chapter 12

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Ryder's POV: I got most of the pups back to the lookout, with Chase being out for something I don't know about

Marshall: I was standing at the edge of it with Chase standing behind wild Duke Max blizzard and Fang was at the lookout

Chase: I know what I did wax wrong Marshall and I get it *grips my arms

Marshall:*I stayed silent

Chase: look, the day you left, I really gave it thought of how badly I treated you. More over, the damage I did. * looks at the ground* I couldn't bring myself to do that again. I almost gave up after a divorce, but...a new friend stopped me. They helped me realize that I should've been nicer to you, but it's to late to change the past. I know what I did wrong and I'm sorry. So if you want to get your revenge on me for what I did, I'm not going to stop you

Marshall: oh shut up you dumb Shepherd how can I stay mad at you

Chase: w-what *steps back slightly in shock

Marshall: I can tell that you genuinely mean it so All is forgiven but I don't think my four boyfriends will say the same thing

Chase: * gulps and looks at Marshall's boyfriends* I rather deal with a sore ass from that pornstar wolf then get broken bones from them. N-no offense Marshall but I get a feeling I might get killed by anyone of your amores

Marshall: well the only two you really have to worry about was Fang Duke and Max as all you have to do is deal with a wolf a Doberman and a dragon that's pretty much it

Chase: * mumbles 'I rather get wrecked in the butt then fight them while I'm recovering' not knowing who would hear it*

Marshall: I walk past Chase patting him on the shoulder good luck is all I said

Chase: m-marshall *gulps as Marshall walks off

Titan: so you rather be bent over taking a cock 24/7 huh

Titan: so you rather be bent over taking a cock 24/7 huh

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Chase: w-what the *looks at who just spoke

Titan: no call no text no emoji with a heart I'm crushed I had to come from my club just to find your dumbass

Chase: s-sorry. I didn't mean to leave you hanging *whimpers

Titan: oh shut your dumb mouth I said pulling the shepherd to me forcing him on his knees you know what comes next I said placing his face on my massive bulge

Chase: EEEEEPP! *blushes deeply and sweats

P.o.v Chase did not hesitate one bit he pulled down Titan's pants just with his teeth as Titans dominant musk hits Chase like a freight train as Chase's tail started wagging like an uncontrollable pup as he was rubbing his face on Titan's bulge as Titan put his hand on Chase's head stroking his head

Titan: who's a good pup

Chase: me * whines as I sniff* but your going to make me explain to Marshall who you are now. Since you got me like this in front of his boyfriends

Titan: well here's the thing I'm pretty sure that his boyfriend and him are at the lookout

P.o.v Titan had made Chase pull his boxers down with his teeth as Titan motioned his hand telling Chase to massage his balls as Chase quickly did as he was told

Chase: you make me scream, you are explaining *massages titans balls more

Chase: me * whines as I sniff* but your going to make me explain to Marshall who you are now. Since you got me like this in front of his boyfriends

Titan: well here's the thing I'm pretty sure that his boyfriend and him are at the lookout

P.o.v Titan had made Chase pull his boxers down with his teeth as Titan motioned his hand telling Chase to massage his balls as Chase quickly did as he was told

Chase: you make me scream, you are explaining *massages titans balls more

P.o.v after Chase fully pool Titans boxers all the way off Titans massive 16-in cock was resting on Chase's nose ass Titan quickly put his foot on Chase's bulge telling him that he will not have any use for his own cock anymore

Chase: *whines

Titan: after a few minutes I take my cock off of Chase's muzzle ass I pull my boxers up and my pants as Chase looked at me with are you serious face


Titan: oh I'm not going to make it that easy after all the times you did not reply to my text

Chase: ASSHOLE *tackles titan to the ground roughly and grabs his nipples, knowing there extremely sensitive

Titan: I quickly had grab cheese putting him in the headlock as my muscles flexed putting him back in his place who's your tiger Alpha

Chase: *slams a punch to titans dick

P.o.v Chase realize that Titan was wearing a cup as he looked up at the tiger inside veins popping from his head

Titan: you damn mutt I yelled slamming a fist down on Chase's skull making him crash into the ground as steam was coming off of his head what did I tell you about you doing that next time you did that I was going to clobber you I said picking Chase up by the throat and punching him right in the stomach as spit comes from his mouth

Chase: *groans and coughs up some blood

Titan: I give Chase one more good punch to the stomach before letting go of him as with a right hook land a fist right in his jaw as I put my boot on top of his head you will remember your place when it comes to me mutt belong at my feet

Chase: *whimpers and tries to get free

Titan: don't try little mutt or I will make your punishment more severe later

Chase: pwease let me get up

P.o.v meanwhile Rocky was recording everything that had happened

Rocky: oh I can't wait to blackmail Chase with this

To be continued

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