chapter 13

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Zuma's POV: I was listening to my music, mostly water side songs, but I was in deep thought of what to say to Marshall

Katie: I tapped Zuma on the shoulder

Zuma: * takes an earbud out* Yes

Katie:Have you seen Chase

Zuma: Last I knew, he was outside

Katie:Okay, what is on your mind, Zuma

Zuma: stuff

Katie:Oh, is it anything that you want to talk about or need to talk about because you know holding all this type of stuff can do a number on your mental health

Zuma: I'm fine. *looks away

Katie:no your not

Zuma: I'm fine!

Chase: Keep talking like that, and you'll get a whooping *limps pass Katie and Zuma, towel on my back, over my ass, and groans a tiny bit each limp step

Marshall: I was cuddling Duke on the couch, rubbing his chest up and down, feeling his scales up under my paw as I see Chase start limping past us

Duke: What's his problem

Marshall: Who cares I said, rubbing Dukes muscles as he put one arm on my back

Duke: * kisses Marshall*

Katie: Get a room, you too. I said, pouring some tea in a cup

Duke; we aren't even getting dirty

Marshall: I wouldn't say all of that because it seems like someone's happy that he's getting attention

Duke: Yes!

Chaz: *chuckles before getting up

Marshall:Hi Chaz

Chaz: hi love. I  just need to use he bathroom

Marshall: Sure, you big buff lovable German Shepherd

Chaz: Where is it located sexy dally

Marshall:Hey Zuma, can you show Chaz where the bathroom is

Zuma: What

Marshall: You don't have to be shy. He doesn't bite much

Zuma: The door has an anchor on it

Chaz: someone is bitchy *walks to the door

Marshall: I walk up to Zuma and delivering a strong squeeze to his shoulder as I lowered my head you barely glad that I know you because these boys here don't tolerate that type of attitude get your head out of your ass right now before you get hurt and I wouldn't like to see that I said whispering in Zuma's ear as his face show Fear

Zuma: *gulps

Chaz: HOLY SHIT! *slams the bathroom door and pants

Marshall: do you want to check on him Duke and blizzard I'll just stay here with Max

Blizzard: I'll go check *heads to chaz

Marshall: I'm coming also Duke is giving me that look I said as me and blizzard started walking towards where Chaz was

Chaz: *wad looking shocked and flustered at the same time

Marshall: I walk in with blizzard what's wrong

Chaz: I walked in on someone by accident *moves out of the way to let Marshall see who was innthe bathroom

Marshall: well well well look what we have here what are you doing Rocky

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