Ch 12

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Gordon and I went to a café to sit down and talk to catch up. Thankfully there was a secluded corner near a window giving us more privacy to talk more freely.

"You know, I think you would have made your father very proud today." James says looking at me.

"Yeah? I have a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that contradicts that." I chuckle turning my gaze to him from the window.

"Something I rarely did when he was alive I doubt I'm doing it in his death." I continue honestly shaking my head looking away.

There's a beat of silence before I speak again.

"How's Barbara?" I then ask changing the subject looking down at my coffee cup tapping the lid a bit.

"She's good actually. She loved the flowers you sent her on her birthday." He smiles making me do the same lightly.

"It was the least I could do." I shrug.

"But you did more didn't you?" He asks making me furrow my eyebrows slightly in confusion looking up at him.

He looks around the café making sure no prying eyes or ears were pointed in our direction before sitting up in his seat.

"I can't say that hearing about the Joker's unfortunate death ruined my day but when Akins floats on the news saying that the GCPD did something that Batman never could along with the GCPD when it was under my leadership..well that didn't sit well with me, nor made sense." He said and I lick my lips.

"Those are just speculations-

"I saw the tape Jackie I saw you kill him." He sighs and I'm confused.

'What tape?' I think to myself.

"There's some guys on the force that are still in favor of having a vigilante in their corner. One of my old friends was tasked of getting ahold of the security camera feed and when they saw someone who wasn't a GCPD officer fighting Joker and pulled the trigger he kept the tape and lied about it not working because it would start a fire under *gives me a pointed look* someone's ass." He explains.

"And by using his former Red Hood gimmick? Really?" He raises a brow.

"I had too, Jim. After everything he did to us. My dad, me, Barbara. I did what Batman never could." I state pressing my index finger against the table as James's nickname rolls off my tongue naturally.

"But now you have to think if what you did was the best thing.." Jim counters and before I can open my mouth to respond he continues.

"For us, maybe. But for Gotham's food chain, not so much. With Gotham's top criminal gone, means every other one is gunning for that spot. Not to mention his minions running around like headless chickens making more messes. The balance of things is all out of whack. Batman kept Joker in check to keep Gotham safe. Joker kept other criminals in check to have the most control. Now their both gone. And people are starting to get power hungry." He says seriously.

"Well Akins is talking big game, let's see how much he can handle." I tilt my head.

"Well he has some power as Commissioner. The question is, how far will he go to keep it. He's already taken credit for Joker and I'm assuming Lynn's demise." He says and I don't bother to deny it as I slowly nod.

"Things can get ugly. It's a clear battlefield." He adds.

"Well what am I supposed to do?" I ask lowly and he releases a breath.

"I don't know...a part- a part of me wants to tell you to just focus on Wayne Enterprises and just be Jaqueline Wayne. But, on the other hand I would like to see you continue the legacy. But you're too young to revolve your life around that lifestyle." He says torn.

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