Ch 13

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"As if there were a shortage of syringes in Gotham's gutters, a new party drug just hit the streets that apparently makes the amphetamine high feel like your Earl Gray has steeped for too long. It seems the gang known as The False Face Society is showing their entrepreneurial side by making and distributing Snakebite. Known for it's dual-pronged injector needles which are said to give a double whammy dose of fantasy and fright, so more fang for your buck. This trippy two-for-one is part psychedelic mushroom oil, part concentrated Fear Toxin. It's already sunk it's teeth into the city, becoming the most sought after high on the street. Users are calling it the ultimate escapism, but doctors warn that Snakebite is as lethal as it is addictive. Talk to me, Gotham. Am I the only one who's feeling rattled?" - Vesper Fairchild, radio host.


I was walking towards my office when I subconsciously stop, seeing Natalie in the distance by Lucius's side as he talked to a colleague.


"Al Ghul? As in the line of assassins, al Ghul family? The family that started the League of Assassins?" Natasha raises her brows.

"Yeah but I'd appreciate it if I wasn't treated like the cold blooded assassin I was made to be." I sigh sarcastically.

"So did you know Ra's al Ghul?" She asks.

"Ah, gramps. Yeah, he took me under his wing along with my mother, Talia... anyways, yeah- don't tell anyone. Especially Fury. Not many people know." I tell her who nods.

"No worries. Your secret's safe with me." She assures.

Natalie catches my gaze maintaining eye contact for a few seconds before returning her attention to the two men speaking.

"You didn't hear a word I said did you?" I then hear making me turn to see Luke who looks at me knowingly.

"You know me so well." I sigh dreamily and he rolls his eyes in return before handing me a copy of the Gotham Gazette and I take a look at the front page.

"False Face? Joker's old gang?" I question with furrowed eyebrows.

"Well they must be under new management. And now they're responsible for Gotham's newest drug that's taking over the streets." He tells me and I sigh pursing my lips.

"With Gotham's top criminal gone, means every other one is gunning for that spot. Not to mention his minions running around like headless chickens making more messes. The balance of things is all out of whack. Batman kept Joker in check to keep Gotham safe. Joker kept other criminals in check to have the most control. Now their both gone. And people are starting to get power hungry." I hear Jim's words from yesterday in the back of my mind.

"What are you gonna do?" He asks.

"Nothing." I shrug handing back the newspaper.

"What do you mean nothing?" He asks as he follows behind me into my office.

"Are you hanging up the cape?" He continues after the door closes to ensure privacy.

"I don't wear a cape." I point going around behind my desk taking a seat.

"It's metaphorical- you can't just stop being Red Hood you were just getting started." He takes a seat in one of the chairs in front of my desk.

"Akins and the City Council are already on my ass especially after the trial yesterday. I need to fall back. Also, I want to see how long it takes for Akins to crack and ask for help, especially a vigilante's." I say a bit of smugness in my voice at the end.

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