Ch 10

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"Breaking News! Criminal Garfield Lynns, known to the public as Firefly was being transported to Gotham's Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane when the van he was being taken in was crashed into leading to his escape-

I speed through with my motorcycle, weaving through anywhere to be as unseen as possible. It's not that difficult since it's dark out.

"Got a visual Luke?" I ask through my helmet.

"Through the police scanner they're saying he headed Southbound from the accident." He informs me.

I speed up in that direction, I presume Lynns is shackled so he can't get to far. A few minutes later he's in my view. I pop a wheelie on my bike then let it go from under me and it runs over Lynns as I run towards him, my bike going into stand by, easily being controlled by W.E.S.S.

"Ah!" He exclaims in pain rolling on the ground

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"Ah!" He exclaims in pain rolling on the ground.

I grab Lynns from the collar of his prisoner jumpsuit making him look at me.

"Who were you working for in Metropolis?" I grit, my voice different as I was using the voice modulator.

"Who the hell are you?" He asks out of breath.

"Answer the question!" I grit slamming him against the ground.

"I won't say a word." He huffs after a painful groan.

I punch him a few times hard, drawing blood.

"Jackie just leave him where the police can find him." I hear Luke say in my ear making me turn off my comms.

"What about now?" I ask the criminal.

"Nope." He wheezes making me beat him some more.

"You're not so tough without your firecrackers." I say standing up leaving him on the middle of the concrete for the proper authorities to come pick him up.

I hear him breathe heavily behind me as I walk to my bike.

"I like the new look...Wayne." He breathes making me stop.

I turn back and shoot him in the forehead. A clean kill shot. My motorcycle then pulls up next to me and I mount it then peel off as red and blue flashing lights start to be seen in the distance.


I make it back into the Batcave pulling in, bringing my bike to a halt then shut it off.

"You killed him didn't you?" Luke immediately asks coming towards me.

I don't respond as I get off my bike and take off my helmet.


"He knew it was me. Had to get rid of him." I justify with a sigh running a hand through my hair.

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