Chapter 1

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Y/N's POV:
Today I decided to go to this restaurant with my boyfriend Connor. Connor and I have been in a relationship for about 2 years, you see I've been wanting to break up with him but he won't let me go. He would hurt me if he didn't get something from me. So he uses me.

"Where would you like to go to dinner?" Connor asked.

"I don't know. You choose" Y/N replied as she looked down.

"Don't give me attitude you little bitch! Where would you like to go?" Connor yelled.

"Fine! That restaurant we went to on our first date!" Y/N yelled back with tears in her eyes.

"Fine. Shitty choice. But ok-" Connor said rolling his eyes.


Y/N's POV:
As me and Connor walked into the restaurant and the waitress sat us down. I saw someone familiar sitting a few tables ahead of us.

"What are you looking at?" Connor asked.

"It's nothing." Y/N replied.

"You better not be checking guys out." Connor said in a threatening tone.

"I'm not Connor. Why do you act like such a asshole all the time?" Y/N asked.

"Cause I want you to stay with me. Forever. You find it attractive." Connor said.

"I don't. You have no respect for me whatsoever. I wanted to go see Hamilton and you torn the tickets up right in front of me-" Y/N replied while starting to cry.

"Bullshit. It's a shitty musical." Connor replied.

"I'll be right back- don't move." Connor added

Y/N's POV: I saw Connor head to the restroom and I hid my face from everyone at the restaurant and started to cry.

"Hey-" A voice said.

"Hi." Y/N replied.

"Are you ok?" The man said.

"I'm not. But I'm not gonna bother you." Y/N replied.

"No! It's ok!" The man said.

"What is your name? You seem oddly familiar." Y/N asked.

"My name is Lin." Lin said.

"Wait- Lin Manuel Miranda?" Y/N replied.

"Yup!" Lin said.

"Oh my god! I knew you looked familiar. I'm sorry I'm excited. I'm a huge fan!" Y/N said while cheering up.

"I can tell. Now let's get out of here before your boyfriend hurts you like this again." Lin said.

Y/N and Lin decided to get out of the restaurant before Connor caught them.


Y/N and Lin strolled through New York together and told all their stories.

"Yea we've been together for 2 years and he ruined my life. I feel trapped." Y/N said.

"Hey, it's ok! How about you can stay with me for a little bit." Lin replied.

"Lin, we just met. I don't think that is necessary." Y/N said.

"Y/N. I want you to be safe. He doesn't know where I live so we have it handled." Lin replied

Lin took Y/N's hands into his hands.

"I know we've just met. But I feel like I have so much respect for you that I want you to be safe and not hurt." Lin said.

Y/N gave Lin a hug and started crying.

"Thank you Lin! So much!" Y/N replied.

They walked back to Lin's place and settled down.


Connor's POV: I walked out of the restroom and saw nobody sitting at the table. I looked around everywhere. I was so pissed at Y/N. Where the hell is she!

"Excuse me!" Connor asked to the waitress.

"Um, Yes Sir?" The waitress replied.

"Have you seen my girlfriend?" Connor asked.

"I saw her walk out the door with a man." The waitress replied.

"Oh ok thanks" Connor said.

Connor's POV: Y/N walked out the door with a man? What a bitch. Thank god I have a tracker on my phone to track her down.


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