Chapter 12

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Y/N and Lin arrived at the Mary Poppins Returns and the paparazzi went crazy and snapped so many photos. Lin and Y/N smiled and walked to the red carpet. Everyone was there! Even the kids obviously. Lin and Y/N got dragged separate ways and got sucked into the crowd. Lin was doing Interviews and Y/N was with Emily Blunt and the rest of the cast

Y/N's POV:
I let go of Lins Hand and let him go do his own thing and I hung out with the rest of the cast.

"Hey we saw everything on Twitter!" Emily said.

"Yea I did too- people are so stupid I swear!" Y/N replied.

"Hey can we take a selfie? You look amazing by the way." Y/N added.

"Oh sure and Thank you!" Emily replied.

Y/N and Emily took a selfie while people were taking so many photos of them.

"Ok well I'm going to go get interviewed by that person now! Good luck I'll see you in a little bit!" Emily said.

"Thank you!" Y/N replied.

Lin was still getting interviewed by people and Y/N was a little confused what was happening until a Interviewer called her over.

"Excuse me Mrs. Miranda?!" The Interviewer said.

"Oh actually call me Y/N please!" Y/N replied.

"My apologies! So I see you and Lin Manuel Miranda are now together! How long were you guys a thing?" The Interviewer asked.

"Uhh. Well, Me and Lin have been together for about a year I think and I am very Thankful for him!" Y/N replied.

"Aw that's great! Now I see you have a singing career! I mean I saw the video of you singing in a restaurant and I thought that was amazing! Did Lin ever inspire you through his work before you both got together?" The Interviewer asked.

"He has! I've been a huge Hamilton fan in 2016 and I don't really have a career going yet but I hope I can start my career one day!" Y/N replied.

Y/N got hand gestures from Lin and told the Interviewer thank you and walked up to Lin.

"Wanna head to the theatre?" Lin asked.

"Yeah! My feet are killing me at the moment." Y/N replied.

They both laughed and walked to the Theatre where the early screening was being shown. Y/N and Lin walked to their seats and sat down and waited.

"So what was the Interviewer asking you?" The man said behind Y/N and Lin.

Y/N turned and the terror was on her face.

"You didn't think I would be totally gone right?" Connor asked.

"How the hell did you get here?" Lin replied.

"Oh I got sent tickets for the movie I worked for." Connor said slightly giggling.

"Liar! Also stop taking all the credit! It wasn't just you who made the movie!" Y/N said.

"Oh shut up! I lost the job because of you and this man right here!" Connor said pointing to Lin.

Y/N got furious then saw Emily and John coming down the stairs to sit with them.

"You piece of crap!" Y/N yelled.

Y/N took her heel off and threw it at Connor.

"Hey hey hey!" John said running down the stairs.

Lin backed Y/N up away from Connor. Connor had a black eye. Y/N started tearing up and Lin held her in his arms for comfort.

"Emily! Call security! This man isn't supposed to be here." Lin said.

"On it!" Emily took her phone out and called security.

John gave Y/N back her heel and Y/N put it back on. Lin, Emily, and Y/N all sat down together and the kids came and sat in the row in front of them. John kept an eye on Connor so he wouldn't get near Lin or Y/N.

Security took Connor away and John sat down finally. Then the early screening started once everyone came.


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