⚔Chapter 11: Three hands collide

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Firo was looking outside the window with Heather on his shoulder when he noticed someone familiar getting onboard. "Jadis." He told himself and quickly woken up Heather. "Come on. We have to go." 

Heather was yawning but they didn't have time for that. He opened the cabin door and pulled her out. "What is it this time?" She asked, totally annoyed for waking her up. 

"The new headmaster of my school. If she finds out you're not from here, we're both dead." He explained and rang the bell, indicating that it's their stop. The train stopped and the two quickly went down. "Why would she take the train when she can ride her broom?" He asked the moment they got off. 

"How long was I out?" Heather asked while rubbing her eyes. 

"Three hours." Her eyes quickly grew bigger. "If we're on the right track, we would've reached the village in an hour. That was the last train tonight. We're gonna have to wait until morning for the next one." 

"You're saying, we're gonna spend the night..." She looked around and found themselves in the middle of the same forest with creepy night owls and a strange and eerie ambiance. "No. No, I don't think so. I grew up in a palace. I can't be here." 

Firo rolled his eyes and started walking away. "Suit yourself. I'll find myself a decent spot for the night." Heather looked at him as he walks further away. 

"Oh, for crying out loud!!" She shouted and ran after him. 

Few minutes of strolling around, Firo noticed a treehouse not far. It was good enough for one night-- except for the fact that he's with someone. He can never, shouldn't ever sleep with a girl. "I guess I'm sleeping outside then." 

They walked towards it and looked up. "Woah. Is this actually a treehouse? Who built this in the middle of the forest?" Heather asked. 

The tree is hugged by blue and white vines. Its leaves are shiny and glittery, definitely looking different and prettier than the other trees. 

"We should just thank whoever built this because we have a place to stay." Firo bent down and waited for Heather to get on his back. "Come on. Don't tell me you won't do this again because you have rules? There's no ladder or anything. The only way up is flying." 

"Funny coincidence." She didn't insist on her rules this time and got on his back. Firo started flying to the top. Heather looked down from where they were and noticed how high the house was from the ground. "I shouldn't look down." She told herself and looked ahead. 

They got on the little house and Heather quickly went in to check the whole place. "It's warm and cozy." Firo told himself and wanted to stay there too. But he's with Heather so he has no choice. "Well, I guess this is goodnight." 

"Where are you sleeping then?" Heather asked while hugging herself. 

"I found a nice, strong branch on the way here. It's good enough for me. If you need anything just call me and I'll come." Heather nodded and watched him fly back down. 

"How kind." She said and sat down. The room was dark with only the moonlight shining. She looked at the ceiling and noticed several holes. The wood on the window was also broken. There were crumpled papers and a candle on a small table in the corner. She stood up and went to it. "Let's see..." 

She looked for matchsticks and luckily, there were two ones on the wooden floor. She scratched it on the rough table and it lit up. She lighted the candle and blew the fire on the stick. 

She was about to give herself a well-deserved sleep when she thought of checking on Firo. She quietly walked towards the door and looked down. The young man is lying on a branch and he's covered with a big leaf. It was cold outside so he probably made use of what he has. 

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