⚔Chapter 65: Two mysterious tinkles

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Heather screamed as the vines pull her down deeper underground. She had no idea why she's falling or why she's suddenly somewhere dark and viny. She grabbed onto a single vine but, all it did was cut the skin on her palm. 

After seconds of falling, she finally landed on her back with her eyes shut out of fear. She panted and didn't move until she was sure that no one was around. Her eyes shot open and found herself in an unusual-looking library. It looked like the room inside the cottage but bigger. She carefully stood up and looked at her bleeding palm. "Oh shivers." 

She heard a sound of a stream behind her and took advantage of it to clean her wound. "What is this place?" She asked, her voice echoing. She wrapped her handkerchief around her palm and began exploring the place. 

Blue and yellow lamps lit the room. Although it's dim, Heather could still see the things around her clearly. There were books and scrolls on the shelves, and some are scattered on the floor. She picked up one scroll and read what's written. "When time stops and the wind never blows, you will find yourself outside your chained book. Somewhere where time continues to tick its tock but its hours forced to restart, and seconds kept in a lock."  Her brows furrowed. "Okay? What does this mean?" She dropped it and walked towards the big shelf.

On the topmost part of it, she noticed a shiny scroll, stuck on the edge. Heather found it suspicious and decided to take it. She grabbed a ladder that's close to the shelf and climbed it to get the scroll out. "It won't look so fancy for nothing," She told herself as she takes it and climbs down. "All right, let's see what you have for me."

She opened it and immediately noticed the words "royal" and "crown". "I can't believe it. This must be that prophecy!" She ran to a table and placed it there. "The strongest flame in all the land will be burnt by its own flare. A royal, born with a righteous crown which the royal shall never wear. For not being the royal is the only way a flame will continue to glare." She looked ahead and narrowed her eyes. "A powerful prince who can't use his powers nor his royal status... He's simply powerless. What Mrs. Kang said was right. The prince had to give up the crown so he can continue to live. And he's Flake? But Flake could use his powers."

"Heather!" She looked up, hearing Flake's call. She quickly hid the scroll inside one of the books and looked for a way out. She turned to the stream and thought it might lead to an opening. She followed the flow of the water and found herself in a small cave. She had to get on her knees to crawl out. The water led her to a small marketplace that's just above the cave. 

"I was in a sewer this whole time," She said and removed the slightly opened manhole cover to get out. She got on her feet and looked around her. The Acquivians gave her disgusted looks after seeing her coming out of the sewer. Heather just hanged her head low and looked for a way back to the cottages. "Flake...!" She called and ran the moment she saw him. 

Flake heard her and looked at her soaked uniform. "Where have you been?" He asked and walked towards her. "You smell...different."

"Don't mention it. I just got out of a sewer." Heather had no intention of telling him about what she found out. It's better to hide it for now until she's sure. 

"There you are!" Master Woora exclaimed with Berta behind her. Flake and Heather turned to her after hearing her call. "I said you could walk around but I didn't expect the both of you to go this far."

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