⚔Chapter 36: Alarm in the game

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Heather looked up and watched the others as they go after each other's throats. One of them is already dancing in flames and another has his cloak bleeding blood. Heather gulped and walked backward, bumping her back on the cage's wall.

What should I do? No one's on the ground. She thought as she looks at them with fear.

Firo who is hidden in his stage identity was looking at the scoreboard with everyone's undernames. Fawn, Daisy, Erine, Samara, Gayle... Why is everyone named as girls?! Scaredy-cats.

A player came after him and he quickly leaned away. He grabbed that player's cloak and hit his back with his knee. He flew away and kept reading the scoreboard. If I were Heather, what would I call myself? He thought as deeper as he could until he noticed one player standing all afraid on the ground. "Found her."

He flew towards her but three players came after him, shooting sticky slime, sharp rocks, and bees all at once. Firo flew away from them and lured them to a bigger group. When everyone else was busy fighting each other, he skillfully got himself out and looked for Heather again. Unfortunately, she's no longer where he saw her. Dammit.

Heather shouted as one of the players drag her above. Wait a second. I forgot I took a potion. She looked at the hand that's holding her cloak. With a hidden smirk, she held onto it tightly as she could, causing the other to drop her. It was supposed to be a painful free fall but another caught her and aimed his flaming fist at her hidden face. Heather brought her legs together and kicked her opponent away. She has the power of strength so with that simple move, she was able to knock him out. Both of them fell to the ground but Heather landed on both feet and stood up.

A ting was heard and the players, including Heather, turned to the scoreboard. The name Psyche climbed up to the tenth spot from ranking last. Heather widened her eyes in shock. Did I just make myself visible? She worriedly asked herself and in just a second, the players came after her.

Out of fear, she climbed the cage's walls to get away from most of them. She grabbed on the curvy steel and climbed higher and higher, farther and farther away from her rivals. When she reached the dead-end corner, she looked down and watched the others as they come after her. This is not what I planned!

The first one who got close to her began pulling her cloak. This annoyed and scared the heck out of Heather so she stepped on the player's head. He lost his grip on her clothing and fell to the hard ground. Another ting was heard and Heather's rank went up. 

Not what I intended! 

Because of this, a bigger group was after her. There was one who was using ice crystals to climb up, and another who had wings in the size of a dragon's. Heather gulped and started stepping on the others' body parts to leave her critical position. She held onto an opponent's arm and swung to land on another's shoulder. She jumped from that shoulder to reach the dragon-winged player's foot. He flew up and shook her off but Heather took that opportunity to swing her body to another. 

She accidentally landed on someone's neck and that caused the guy to lose balance on air. He was attacking another player and because of Heather's actions, she unintentionally caused those two creatures to stab each other: one using his sharp fingers and the other with blades on the side of his arms. Heather just gained more points while she was absent-mindedly falling.

She looked at the scoreboard and found Psyche in the fifth spot with four knockouts. The one in the first spot had thirty-eight knockouts and that record is held by none other than the famous Pyre. Heather had no idea who he is in the game but she knew she had to stay away from him.

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