⚔Chapter 59: The other side

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"When are you gonna stop putting yourself in danger?" Flake asked and stood beside her. Flake and Heather were tasked to get snacks from the dorm's little cafeteria.

"What danger are you talking about? Nothing happened." She lied. Firo specifically asked her not to tell anyone about what happened the previous day.

"I saw Firo in a bad condition when I entered our room. Do you think I will believe you?" She gulped and grabbed a sandwich. "You're not only risking your life but your friends' life too. When are you going to realize that?"

"Yesterday." She answered and walked away. Flake followed after her, carrying a tray of chocolate drinks with him. "It's the last time I'm gonna sneak out anyway. I made a deal with him and he only came with me because I said I won't do it again next time if he takes me there."

"Takes you where exactly? The mansion?" Heather stopped walking and looked at him in shock. "I heard you saw Chase coming out of that mansion. I read your mind, to be exact."

"You're not supposed to know that." He shrugged and walked ahead of her. Heather went after him and blocked his way. "Don't tell anyone about what I saw, Flake. That was supposed to be my secret."

He scoffed and bent his knees to her level. "I'm not the one who started meddling with others' secrets. You started it." He teasingly smiled and went straight to the dorm.

Heather stopped herself from blowing up and held tight onto the tray of pastries. "Calm down. If it weren't for him, you'd be dead by now. Let it pass, let it pass." She told herself and returned to their dorm.

Everyone is gathered in the living room, doing their own things. "Firo! Open the door! You've missed dinner and breakfast already!" Chase called and knocked on his door. Heather turned in his room's direction and worried about Firo's state. His arm was bleeding and he looked too weak to walk. He had to deal with a group of silver furwins for her sake.

"What's our schedule for today?" Wendy asked and sat beside Maya.

"We're leaving to Pixie Lake in an hour," Maya answered, looking at the schedule in her hand. "I guess we'll have our April Fool's day earlier than usual, considering how pixies love to make fun of everything and everyone."

"Am I allowed to go now?" Heather asked with a happy expression.

"Jadis never said you can't go on the second day," Maya said and kept the schedule inside her pocket. "You're coming with us so you better get ready." Heather giggled and ran to her room to change into a better uniform.

"Firo Kang! All right, I'm going in." She heard Chase say in an annoyed tone and immediately left the room to see what he's gonna do. Chase shrank into a smaller, smaller size to fit under the door. He went inside the room and the others waited for what's happening next.

The door suddenly opened and the tiny Chase came out flying towards a potted plant. Firo closed the door again and locked it. "Hilarious!" Maya exclaimed and walked towards Chase who landed on a leaf, laughing her head off. "Aww... You poor little, wabby babie." She pinched his little uniform and made him sit on her palm.

Chase glared at her and returned to his normal size, falling to the floor. "Having fun?" He asked and Maya just kept laughing. "This is why I hate shrinking." He told himself and looked at Firo's room. "Go on! Starve! You can't stay in there forever you little nut!"

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