Chapter 1

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This story takes place in a small mansion that is the host of two non human beings. These two were known as the nine tail kyubi demons among the villagers but among the animal kingdom they are known as the 9-tailed kitsune king and prince. There were many tailed royalty across the world all hidden  from the hatred of humans.

At this time you can find the 9 tailed king Kurama in the kitchen making a wonderful lunch for his son Naruto.

Kurama POV
"PaPa! Papa!" You could hear as my son ran down the hall way in his white socks and white shirt with black shorts as well. I helped him sit down in his chair and put his lunch in front of him.

"Lunch time!" He cheered happily

"Your right it is lunch time." I laughed petting his head.

We sat down and ate for while before he suddenly asked me something.

"Papa?" He started .

"Yes" I replied.

"Why can't I leave the estate?" He asked curiously.

I sighed. My son Naruto was always a kind and curious boy. He was always exploring the woods and often played with the animals who lived nearby. I looked him straight in the eye and said sternly

" You know the village people and the hokage do not approve of us. We are lucky enough they gave us this home after what your grandfather did to their village and the 4th hokage."

(in this story kurama's make believe father was the kyubi who killed the 4th hokage and. Destroyed the village)

I watched as Naruto's ears and tail flatten at the sound of my answer. When a kitsune child is born they are only born with one tail. As they grow up and become stronger and smarter they will slowly begin to grow more until they reach all 9 tails.

I sighed once again and patted his head. " One day when those humans see the truth about our kind then we can go wherever we want but until then we must stay here, understand?" I said with a small smile.

Naruto POV

" I understand "I said sadly.

I quickly finished the rest of my lunch and went to the garden. I watered the flowers until my father came out to join me.

"Are you done with the plants?" Papa asked.

"Yep! I did it all by myself!" I beamed proudly.

"Your growing up so fast!" Papa chuckled.

"Let's sit down for a bit." He offered as we sat near the flower bed and I crawled into his lap.

"Can you tell me what the village is like?" I questioned.

"It's not really that great." He muttered.

"Pleaseeee." I added.

"Well, it's mostly just shops and apartments. There's a barbecue place I've passed by and I know there's a spa and bath house somewhere." He started.

"What are the villagers like?" I questioned.

"The villagers........there all different in their own ways but when it comes down to it their all kinda the same." He explained somewhat hesitantly.

"The same? How?" I asked.

"Well they are all the same in lots of ways but they all suck up to that bastard old man." He sneered.

I never liked the hokage. I didn't like that he was the one who kept us here away from the world. It wasn't fair at all.

It wasn't me or my dad who did anything bad we don't owe them anything. Sometimes my dad would have to leave to secretly help the hokage and the village by getting rid of the village's enemy. He would often say he was going shopping but I know he was lying.

Whenever he does go shopping he would use something called chakra to change his appearance. My dad seems to like to hide a lot of things from me. But I know it's all to protect me. My dad loves me more than anything.

"Gaara's birthday is coming up soon. Is there anything you want me to pick up from the shop that I should get for him?" Papa asked snapping me out of thoughts.

"A huge teddy bear! It should be 10 times Bigger than the one he has now." I beamed happily.

"I don't know if they have anything like that in the market." Papa chuckled.

"Then a cactus! Lots of cactus so Gaara and uncle Shukaku can have a garden like ours!" I explained.

"That's a great idea my little naru." Papa smiled.

Every year on my birthday he will take me far away from our home so we could visit his brother in the sand village. There I could play all week long with Garra, Uncle shukau's son. And on Garra's Birthday he would do the same and come visit me.

Me and Garra would always talk to each other about what we would see on our way to each other's houses because it was the only time we could be outside of our estates.

"I'm not little anymore!" I huffed before letting out a tired yawn.

"You'll always be my little naru no matter how big you get." He laughed picking me up.

I was slowly becoming more exhausted. But at the same time the desperate need for something new stayed with me. It was then I decided I was going to leave the estate

For the first time.

Hi thanks for reading this is my first book I'm going to try and update every week and sorry if updates are a bit slow. Next chapter will be up shortly

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