Chapter 3

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Kurama POV

It was already past lunch time and Naruto still hasn't returned. I decided to go see if he just forgot. I began to search around the places we usually hang out but I couldn't smell his scent anywhere.

I continued to search around the large forest for what must have been hours and I was becoming more and more worried.

I started making my way back home around what 5 just to see if he was still around the house and I just missed him. As I exited the woods my blood froze. The gate to our estate was wide open. The world suddenly stopped. Naruto had went into the village this morning. He hasn't been home all day. Did they hurt him? Did they take him? Did they..... I slapped myself out of my thoughts.

"It Doesn't  matter I need to find him before it's too late."

I rushed out of the estate and ran into the night. It was cold but I didn't care I needed to find my son.

I jumped from roof top to roof top in search of Naruto but I couldn't find him anywhere. As I quickly continued in search of my son my ears began to twitch. I stopped on the rooftop of a random shop and listened. Crying. I could hear muffled crying coming from nearby.

I jumped down and began to run across the street listening and then when I turned to the source of the sound I was horrified. My heart dropped.

These humans. These despicable humans were doing this to my precious and innocent son.

All I could feel was hatred and rage. My eyes were clouded with blood red. My claws/nails sharpened and I launched forward attacking the men hurting my son.

1 I chopped his head off and pulled him out of my son 2 I stabbed in the chest piercing his heart while he tried to run away and 3 I slit his throat as he begged for mercy.

I stood over the bodies rage still filling me

"Papa........" a strained whimper came from behind me.

I snapped my neck around to see Naruto covered in blood, bruises, and an unholy white substance. I rushed over to him and put my jacket around him as he shuddered. Tears welled up in both our eyes. I held him closely to my chest and cried. I was sad that he was hurt but happy that i had found him.

Naruto POV
He saved me. Papa saved me. Just like he always does. I clutched onto him for dear life as he hugged.

"Papa! Papa! I'm sorry! You were right! I won't disobey you again I'm sorry!" I cried.

Everything hurt inside and out. But the worst pain was the pain I felt in my heart. I had betrayed my father's trust in me. I betrayed the one who was always there for me and protecting me. I continued to sob and apologize as he also silently cried and pat my back.

I've never seen him cry. He's only crying because I was stupid enough to leave him.

"Shhhh. It's ok l. I'm not mad at you I'm promise." He whispered as he tried to calm me down.

After a few minutes he stood up and took me home. Once we were home I had finally stopped crying but I was still sniffling and in pain. He took me to the bathroom and put on the warm water. I whimpered when he stopped holding me close to him.

He gave me a soft smile and began to wash my body and tail. I don't know why but It felt weird when he touched me. It never felt this way before. I had my ears flattened as I looked into my reflection. No words were spoken.

Once he finished giving me a shower he took me to my room. Just like always he kissed me goodnight and tucked me in. Just before he was about to leave I grabbed his sleeve and whined. He understood and picked me back up and took me to his room since my own bed was to small for both of us.

I snuggled into his warm chest and dozed off.

Kurama POV

I failed.
I failed to keep my son safe and now he had to pay for it.
That's all i could think as I bathed him and snuggled with him.
After I was sure Naruto had fallen asleep I got up and walked to my own bathroom connected to my room. I splashed my face with water and slid my back against the wall till I hit the floor.  I then cried.
I cried because I failed as a father.
I cried because Naruto got hurt.
I just cried.

Thank you so much next part is coming soon!

The Kitsune Child (originally named Kurama's Child)Where stories live. Discover now