Chapter 15

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Naruto POV

Everyone woke up early to get ready for the Chunin exams.

Garra and Uncle Shukaku had to leave with their bodyguards right after breakfast. So after they left I said goodbye to Papa and went up to the meetup spot with my team.

We were meeting up the same place we had the bell test so when I saw Sasuke he didn't seem to badly hurt but I could tel he was pissed. Probably at the fact he got beat by Garra or maybe because Sakura won't stop talking maybe both.

Those two were sitting under a tree so I just sat a few yards away from them not even looking at them.

A few hours later Kakashi showed up and explained that we were going to be in the Chunin exams and he gave us the location of where we will take the exam.

As we walked into the building looking for the correct room We saw a lot of kids our age maybe a little older all in front of a room as some other kids who were probably chunins or just older than us blocked the way.

I looked to the sign that was near the door to check if this was the right place. It said the right number but when I looked closer I could tell it was a genjutsu. I began to walk away from the door and away from the group of people when Sakura called out to me catching Sasuke's attention.

"where are you going you idiot this is the test room are you blind." Sakura stated.

I just pointed down the hall trying to tell them this wasn't the room. That's when Garra appeared and did the talking for me.

"Hes telling you that this room is just a genjutsu this isn't the right floor dumbass." Garra sneered just passing Sasuke and Sakura not even glancing at them.

I gave Garra a bright smile as I saw the anger grow in Sasuke. As Garra began to walk beside me as we went down the hall a boy suddenly stopped us more specifically Garra.

The boy had big eyes with a shiny bowl cut. Weird hairstyle I thought. He was in a green jumpsuit with bandages wrapped around his hands and some sort of orange leg sleeve with a red headband tied around his waist.

"Yosh! My name is rock lee and I challenge you Legendary Garra of the Sand!" The boy now named Lee said while making a stance.

I guess Garra was already popular I chuckled in my mind.

"No thanks I have no interest in fighting you right now." Garra said as he made his way around the boy but lee just sped right In front of him again repeating what he said again.

"My name is Rock Lee and I Challenge you Legendary Garra of the Sand." He said proudly.

"No." Garra stated sounding a little more annoyed.

Before Lee could repeat what he said again Sasuke stepped in. "I'll take you on." He said

Garra just rolled his eyes and began walking again with me in close pursuit.

(Same thing happened as in the show. Sasuke got his ass beat. 👏 Horray.)

We soon arrived at the test area and me and Garra sat together. A man with scars all over his face came in and explained the test. I understood the objective of the test and so did Garra. While he used his sand eye I simply answered the answers.

(After a while)

The instructor then told us our time was up and explained the final question.

He gave us some time to think but I knew I couldn't leave now. Papa and I worked really hard together to get here I wasn't about to let all the hard work be put down for next year. Beside I want to be in the same league as Garra he is my cousin after all.

(After that again( I am lazy)

Me and Garra's team passed thankfully. After the instructor said that everyone who stayed passed I gave Garra a high five.


Naruto POV

"This place gives me the creeps." Sakura whimpered as she tried to flirt with Sasuke again as she latched herself on Sasuke's left arm like a leech.

"Heh it should. This place is called the forest of death and soon enough your all going to find out why." Mrs.Anko smirked.

"Heh. A forest and a spooky name is not going to be enough to scare me." Sasuke sneered.

"So, looks like we got ourselves a tough guy." Anko chuckled while giving a closed eye smile right before throwing a kunai at Sasuke's right cheek making it bleed as it landed at the feet of a strang woman wearing a straw hat.

Anko then appeared at Sasuke's side and whispered "you tough enough to handle this?."

I looked at the scene with a worried face. I don't know why but I feel bad and scared for Sasuke.

"Your not afraid are you?" She questioned sounding amused. "Tough guys like you usually leave their blood all over the place." She added with a creepy smile holding Sasuke's cheek.

Suddenly another woman with the straw hat appeared behind anko and anko pulled out a kunai while the woman had one in her very long and slimy tounge. "Gross." I thought.

"I was just, returning your kunai." The woman with the long tounge said.

"Oh why thank you." Anko said sounding surprisingly calm.

As mutters began to arise all I could think about how weird but also how cool it was how she did that with her tounge I then also started to stick my tounge out in attempt to make it longer.

As mutters began to arise all I could think about how weird but also how cool it was how she did that with her tounge I then also started to stick my tounge out in attempt to make it longer

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"Ok everyone before we start this test I'm going to hand everyone a standard consent form." Anko said waving around a packet.

I tilted my head in confusion.

"Some of you may not come out of this test alive so I have to get your consent for you to take that risk other wise it would be my responsibility." She laughed.

I gulped and I began to second guess my self but I knew that I had no choice if I want to make papa proud.

"Hey you kid with the yellow tail pass these out for me while I explain." Mrs. Anko ordered pointing the packets in my direction.

Just my luck. I thought. I did as she said and passed it out keeping my head down. I could feel how some of them stared and glared at me while Anko explained the test. This was the worst.

After everyone was at a gate Anko yelled go and everyone rushed in.

After a while we stopped when we heard screaming.

I'm going to be starting a new story soon so watch out for my next story!

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