⚠️Chapter 34⚠️

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⚠️Warning: This chapter involves rape, torture, physical and verbal abuse and assault. Read at your own cost. Feel free to skip⚠️

Flash back to the day of Kurama's imprisonments

Kurama POV

"Ugh!" I grunted as two anbu threw me into a dirty cell and the quickly shut the door closed.

The chains were wrapped tight around my body and my hands were tied behind my back.

"AGGGHHHHHH!!!!!" I yelled in furry.

I continued to thrash and roar in anger until I got bored and began to think of Naruto.

It was around this time the hokage showed up.

"I see your starting to get comfortable." He sneered.

"You damn coward! Why don't you fight me bastard!" I spat at him. "I swear I'll kill you!"

"We'll just have to see about that." He said as he lifted his hand.

My eyes widen in horror. I knew what he was going to do.

He snapped his fingers with a smug smirk and activated the obedience seal on my back.

"AAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed as I arched my back in pain.

"AAAAGGGHHHHHH!!" I began to squirm against the chains in an useless attempt to make the pain stop.

I don't know how long this went on for but I knew it had been several hours and the hokage seemed to enjoy every minute of it.

I didn't dare cry. There is no way I was going to let this bastard see me cry.

My body was overheated from the multiple shocks of electricity. I stayed still breathing hard trying to catch my breath.

"Have you learned your lesson yet kyubbi?" Hiruzen asked.

"Ha.....Wanna know something?" I asked glarring at him. "Your grandson Konoharmu looks up to me way more than he will ever look up to you. Can you even remember the last time he challenged you?"  I chuckled.

I guess the hokage didn't take kindly to my joke and quickly turned on the obedience seal once more causing me to scream out in agony.

-Day 2 of imprisonment-

I was totally exhausted and had no way of knowing what time it was.

I'm glad I had a good lunch yesterday at least.

I must have passed out from pain yesterday because most of my clothes were gone and so were the chains but a collar was put around my neck and my hands were now bound in front of me with handcuffs most likely to suppress my chakra. I was left with only my undershirt and shorts.

"Why hello Kyubbi. I hope you had fun with Lord Third yesterday. Me and some of the inmates wanted to have some fun with you aswell." He sneered. I'm guessing he was the warden and there were a bunch of inmates behind him.

"If your looking for fun why don't you take your pack of babies and hit the swings. Maybe if you jump high enough you'll break something." I spat at him.

He didn't respond. He instead opened the door and all the inmates begin to file in.

"What the hell is this? You wanna fight?" I snapped at them. " I don't need chakra or my hands to beat you all into a pulp."

"Oh were gonna do a lot more than fight." One of them chuckled.

Some random buff guy was the first to step away from the crowd and reach for my face.

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