day 4; chapter 1

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day 4, chapter 1
my alarm rang
pain was all that i felt
the pain from last night still felt as bad as it was yesterday
i cant believe its only thursday
i got up and did my usual routine, but something felt off. i was on the verge of crying the whole time
i have to see him again
i didnt even say good morning to peko
i didnt even grab lunch
or eat breakfast
i just went outside
but i could feel hiyoko walking behind me
hiyoko:"hi.. are you?"
is this bitch serious
fuyuhiko:"not very good."
hiyoko:"ohhh haha sameee! anyways.. sorry about what happened yesterday, it was for your own good y'know!"

fuyuhiko: "for my own good? FOR MY OWN GOOD? you cannot be serious right now. i trusted you enough to tell you i liked kazuichi and you basically pressured me to confess when i wasnt ready. you outed me. i expected you out of all people to know that thats not ok."
hiyoko:"i was just trying to help-"
fuyuhiko:"no. no you werent."
i walked off. hiyoko called out to me and told me to wait but i didnt listen. she ruined everything.
as soon as i got to class i sat myself down. my eyes were still puffy from last night. i didnt expect that getting rejected by a shark would hurt that bad.
whatever, I'll get over it. it's not the end of the world
i noticed that kazuichi was looking at me
he hands me a note
i think passing notes is something that should be reserved for people who are dating
the note says " i'm really sorry about yesterday, we're still meeting up for the interview after school right?"
of course he still wants to do the interview. he could care less about my feelings. i dont even wanna do the interview.
i write on the note "yeah, meet me at the gate."
i pass it to him and he gives me a thumbs up
clueless as always
he cant even read the room
i'm done with school, now for the second nuisance of the day. as a wait for kazuichi I see hiyoko walk by. she doesn't say anything. peko walks up to me and says "you'll be home soon, right young master?"
peko:"alright, come home safe"
i wait for a few more minutes and kazuichi walks up to me.
kazuichi:"hey, im here!"
fuyuhiko:"youre late."

why did i even bother waiting for him?
kazuichi:"sorry, i was talking to miss sonia!"
sonia, huh? i guess that must be the girl he has a crush on. i really can't blame him though, she's the ultimate princess, who wouldnt have a crush on her?
fuyuhiko:"whatever, lets go, today is the interview."
i could feel that there was some tension between us as we were walking towards my house. not romantic tension, just uncomfortable tension.
miu opens the door...
miu:"heeyyy baby gangsta! hold on- why is that shark faced mothefucker here again?"
fuyuhiko:"don't worry about it."
kazuichi and i step inside of my room
kazuichi:"wow, you have a nice room! its really clean too!"
fuyuhiko:"yeah whatever, just sit down."
kazuichi:"where? you only have one chair."
fuyuhiko:"sit on the floor then."
kazuichi:"that's not very professional, is it?"
im suprised he has the audacity to complain
fuyuhiko:"i never said it was, anyways, why should you work for me?"
kazuichi started making a lot of bold and impressive claims
fuyuhiko:"you're making a lot of impressive claims, but can you prove that you're that good?"
kazuichi:"hell yeah! ill fix anything!"
anything, huh?
I take my phone and throw it across the room as hard as I can. if flies past kazuichis face and hits the wall before falling to the ground.
kazuichi:"WHAT THE HELL?"
fuyuhiko:"go get my phone for me."
he stuttered as he went and picked up my phone.
he gave it back, and as i expected, the screen was cracked and it wasn't turning on.
fuyuhiko:"you see how it's cracked and it's not turning on?"
kazuichi:"yeah.. i do.."
fuyuhiko:"if you manage to fix it you get the job. you have until tomorrow after school. youre free to leave."
i bend down and grab him by his collar
fuyuhiko:"however... if you don't fix it, you will face great consequences? got it?"
kazuichis face went pale

kazuichi:"y-yes sir! ill see you tommorow!!"
he bolted out of my room and left
i exited my room and went to miu's.
i knock on the door
miu:"the hell do you want?"
fuyuhiko:"i accidentally threw my phone against the wall."
miu:"how the fuck do you do that on accident?!"
fuyuhiko:"doesn't matter, anyways i gave it to that one guy that was here a few seconds ago. if he doesn't fix it, can you?"
miu:"that sounds like a whole load of not my problem! take it to the repair shop!"
i go to the kitchen and grab a snack because knowing my teachers, ill be doing homework for the next five hours

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