day 6; chapter 1

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i wake up and look at my clock
fuyuhiko:"1 pm?? was i really asleep for that long?"
i check my phone and see 10 texts all from kazuichi
when i open the app it says; "this message has been deleted" for all of the texts that he sent.
why did he unsend them?
i notice that hes typing
kazuichi:"sorry, wrong person! that was for sonia, lol"
ugh, does everything always have to be about sonia?!
i text back
fuyuhiko:"its k."
yeah, thats meant to be passive agressive. i might come off as rude but i dont really care.
kazuichi:"anyways, i do have something to ask you! do you wanna hang out today?"
kazuichi's POV:
i nervously send him a text asking to hangout.
i already regret sending those previous texts, and thank god i unsent them before he could see them. otherwise id be really embarrassed.
that whole "miss sonia" thing was just a cover. im glad it worked.
i recieve a notification from the messaging app
fuyuhiko:"hang out? why?"
kazuichi:"well, y know! bc u hired me as ur business partner!"
god, what a horrible lie
fuyuhiko:"business partner? youre an employee more than anything."
kazuichi:"well, cant we hang out as bros instead? you dont think our experience made us close?"
jeez, cant he just say yes already? is he really not seeing what im trying to do?
fuyuhiko:"i have a business meeting. people with tons of responsibilities dont have time to hang out, kaz."
tons of responsibilities? who does he think he is?
Fuyuhikos POV:
well that was a fucking lie
the clan doesnt do meetings on weekends unless its urgent
god why did i lie? i know i like him, so how come im so scared to hang out with him..?
i wait a couple of minutes
i text back
fuyuhiko:"the meeting was canceled, lucky for you."
kazuichi:"lucky for me?! youre full of yourself!>:/"
its a little fun teasing him, but i guess i have to hang out with him now
fuyuhiko:"ok, where are we meeting up?"
kazuichi:"im thinking mcdonalds^_^"
fuyuhiko:"is that because its the only resturaunt you can afford?"
kazuichi:"hey!! thats mean!!"
fuyuhiko:"calm your tits, im just fucking with you. see you in 30."
kazuichi:"i have no tits to calm!!!"
i left him on read and started getting dressed. ill just put on something simple to make it SEEM like im not putting any effort in! smart, i know.
wait, why do i even wanna put in effort?! im going to a mcdonalds for fucks sake!
i put on some random shit from my drawer
a shirt and jeans. its kind of cold outside, even though its april. but summer is gonna start soon, so hopefully it will get a little warmer.
(authors note: The Japanese school year begins in April. The first term runs to around July 20, when summer vacation begins. Kids return to school in early September for the second term, which lasts until about December 25. The final term begins in early January and continues to late March.)
as i exit out the door peko stops me,
peko:"young master, where are you headed to?"
fuyuhiko:"that pink haired dweeb wants to hang out for some reason, ill make it quick."
peko seems hesitant
peko:"ah... okay, have a good time."
im at mcdonalds. kazuichi is pretty late, but i often forget that hes the type of guy whos late to his own party.
i see him in the distance sprinting towards me, panting.
fuyuhiko:"took you long enough."
kazuichi:"i was trying to find my jacket!"
fuyuhiko:"dont piss yourself over it, cmon, lets go order."
we step inside and wait in line until its our turn to order...
"order 268!"
i grab our food and sit down
fuyuhiko:"i cant believe that you conveniently 'forgot your wallet'! you better pay me back!"
kazuichi:"dont be a dick! it was only like 1,000¥!" (about 10 usd)
fuyuhiko:"ok, im not an atm!!"
kazuichi:"i know, but youre part of the biggest yakuza clan in japan!! you cant even pay for mcdonalds?"
fuyuhiko:"tch, if i knew your idea of us hanging out was me paying for your lunch i wouldnt have come!"
kazuichi:"fine, ill pay you back! just quit complaining!"
as we eat we start talking and eventually find out that we are more similar than we thought. im having fun. hes not that bad after all.
when we finish our food, we get up and decide to go to the park
as we are walking, he says
kazuichi:"you know, when i first met you, i kind of thought you were a dick!"
fuyuhiko:"everyone thinks that when they first meet me."
kazuichi:"hey, i didnt say anything changed!"
he laughs and i lightly punch him
fuyuhiko:"i thought the same thing, but to be honest, youre kind of pathetic,, pfft"
kazuichi:"pathetic? how come?"
fuyuhiko:"you begged me for a job the second day we met! plus youre always trying to talk to sonia! seems like you got a bit of a thing for her!"
i mentioned that because i wanted to see if he actually liked her
kazuichi:"haha... yeahh."
so he does like her...
theres a bit of tension
i really dont know what to say
kazuichi:"so... have you got a thing for anyone?"
... why is he asking...? did he already forget?
kazuichi's pov:
fuyuhiko:"no, not really, im just trying to focus on school.
oh... so he's already over it
kazuichi:"that's probably a good idea... even though when you got called on by the teacher on friday you were totally out of it!"
fuyuhiko:"shut up! you know teachers always do that on purpose!! calling on you when youre clearly not paying attention!"
kazuichi:"yeah yeah, make up your excuses!"
as we walk around the park, we see an icecream stand...
fuyuhiko:"HELL YEAH!! ICE CREAM!!"
he runs toward the ice cream stand and buys himself a cherry popsicle
he comes back, smiling ear to ear
fuyuhiko:"i didnt expect an ice cream stand to be here!! i got lucky!"
kazuichi:"man, and none for me?!"
fuyuhiko:"shut it, i already payed for you once, im not doing that again!"
kazuichi:"what ever, lets go sit down at the bench so you dont trip and drop it."
fuyuhiko:"HEY! why are you assuming id drop it? you ass hole!"
we both laugh as we go to sit down on the bench
fuyuhiko continues to eat his popsicle
fuyuhiko:"brr... it was a bad idea to get popsicles during this weather, its cold!"
i think about this carefully...
do i offer him my jacket?
kazuichi:"uhh,, do you,, want my jacket?"
fuyuhiko looks at me and turns slightly red
he starts to stutter
fuyuhiko:"no no!!! im good, i can handle the cold..!"
damn... i made things awkward
kazuichi:"so... i see you have a sweet tooth, isnt that right?"
fuyuhiko:"its embarassing to admit, but yeah, i do haha."
kazuichi:"oh... why didnt you get ice cream. a lot of people prefer that over popsicles"
fuyuhiko looks kind of annoyed
fuyuhiko:"ugh, im lactose intolerant!"
kazuichi:"oooh... makes sense makes sense. WAIT! that means you cant have milk or chocolate? thats so sad!"
fuyuhiko:"im not allergic! i can have it but it feels like hell after."
kazuichi:"ohh... hm."
i start to stare at fuyuhiko's popsicle.. im getting pretty hungry..
fuyuhiko:"eh? what are ya staring at?"
kazuichi:"nothing!! my bad!"
fuyuhiko looks at me and hands me his popsicle
fuyuhiko:"if you wanted some.... you couldve just asked...y'know?"
my face heats up, and i can feel that its turning bright red
kazuichi:"y-yeah!! thanks..?"
ive never really shared food with someone before... its a bit embarassing, i cant lie... but for some reason my heart is pounding like crazy!! but this is what friends do, right?
after i finish fuyuhiko's popsicle, the sun starts to set.
fuyuhiko:"wow, the sunset is so pretty!"
kazuichi:"yeah, the park is going to close soon, we gotta go."
fuyuhiko looks down at the ground, as if he's disappointed
fuyuhiko:"oh.. yeah, probably.."
kazuichi:"hey, dont get upset about it!"
fuyuhiko looks up at me
fuyuhiko:"hey!! im not upset! its just that.. this is the first time ive had fun in a while, dont flatter yourself!"
kazuichi:"we still have a bit if time left, we can walk around until it gets dark."
fuyuhiko smiles
we walk around for a few minutes
i really want to ask...
kazuichi:"hey... fuyuhiko?"
fuyuhiko:"whats up?"
i hesitate, but it's something i have to ask.
kazuichi:"do you... still... like me?"
he looks surprised, and that shocked expression turn into worry
fuyuhiko:"why do you ask..? dont you,,, like sonia? youre always looking at her so..."
kazuichi:"im not always looking at her!"
fuyuhiko:"no, youre ALWAYS looking at her! i would know because... because im always looking at you."
i stop walking
kazuichi:"...are you?"
fuyuhiko nervously laughs
fuyuhiko:"yeah, embarassing, isnt it? its so embarassing that i feel this way about another man... so to answer your question... yeah, i do."
i dont really know what to say, i thought he was already over me...
fuyuhiko:"but that doesnt really matter, does it? no matter how much i love you, or how much i hate you... you still like sonia."
i notice that fuyuhiko's eyes are becoming glossy and red.
i know what i have to do.
kazuichi:"no, i dont like her that much. i dont feel like that towards her."
fuyuhiko looks even more shocked
kazuichi:"even if i did, she likes gundham. so... the truth is, ive liked you for a while now."
fuyuhiko looks mad. he starts to yell.
fuyuhiko:"l-liar! if you like me, why are you always looking at sonia!! why not me??"
kazuichi:"i.. i dont really know.. i feel like i have to look at her."
both of us are silent
we dont know what to do, or what to say.
i walk up to the wall fuyuhiko is leaning agains
fuyuhiko:"what are you trying to do?"
its already way past dark..
i place my hand on his cheek and the other one on the wall. i swallow my anxiety and...
kazuichi:"the moon... is beautiful, isnt it?"
fuyuhiko smiles
i think i did the right thing.
fuyuhiko:"i can... die happy."
fuyuhiko takes my neck and brings me down to his height
he kisses me, and i kiss him back
ive never felt this way about someone before
i was unsure at first but... i like him, a lot.
he pulls away and wipes his tears
fuyuhiko:"does this mean, were dating now?"
kazuichi:"i guess so... i mean- only if you want to!"
fuyuhiko:"yeah, i want to."
kazuichi:"ah... its already pretty late. we should get going."
fuyuhiko:"hmph... i wish we could stay a little longer..
kazuichi:"we still have tommorow, you know?"
fuyuhiko:"youre right, ill see you tommorow."
kazuichi:"yeah, bye!"
fuyuhiko gives me a hug and i kiss his forehead, and we both go home.
fuyuhiko's pov:
i really cant believe all of that just happened!
i... im dating kazuichi!
i walk home with a pep in my step
i open the door and go to the kitchen, where miu and natsumi are talking.
fuyuhiko:"hey guys!"
miu:"you look happy, where were you?"
fuyuhiko:"oh, i was with kaz!"
miu:"ouuuuuhhhh, okayy! are you hungry?"
fuyuhiko:"no, i already ate."
natsumi:"was it.. pfft.. sausage and meat balls?"
natsumi burst out laughing and miu giggles
fuyuhiko:"shut up!! we were just hanging out!!"
miu leans in to natsumi's ear
miu:"they DEFINITELY fucked!"
fuyuhiko:"HEY! i heard that! we did NOT fuck!! were in highschool!"
miu:"then why are you all happy?"
fuyuhiko:"well,,, we may or may not have kissed..."
natsumi:"i knew you guys would start dating eventually!"
fuyuhiko:"whatever, im gonna go back to my room, i have shit to do!"
miu:"alright, i have lube just incase you ever need it!"
fuyuhiko:"i dont need lub- HEY WHY DO YOU HAVE THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE?"
miu:"uh... system shut down..?"
natsumi:"you know what, maybe its for the best that you dont get an answer, fuyu."
fuyuhiko:"youre right, im going back to my room."
i flop on my bed and go to sleep, with kazuichi's words still lingering in my mind.

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