day 2; chapter 1

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i woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping
fuyuhiko-"why is it...beeping??"
and then i remembered
fuyuhiko-"SHIT! SCHOOL!"
i quickly put on my uniform and packed up
i walked to the kitchen to get breakfast and saw peko
i forgot that i yelled at her last night... i need to apologize...
fuyuhiko-"hey peko..."
peko-"good morning young master."
she was clearly mad at me
fuyuhiko-"hey peko, im sorry about yesterday.. i wasnt feeling my best and i just lashed out and-"
peko-"its fine, dont worry. now please eat your brekfast and hurry."
i could tell she was mad at me but at least she talked to me
fuyuhiko-"right... where are the others?"
peko-"getting ready."
fuyuhiko-"still? damn, how long does it take?"
peko-"ill go tell them to hurry. pack your lunch."
i started packing my lunch and heard the girls complaining
miu-"i didnt finish brushing my fucking hair! and my make up is barely done!"
natsumi-"then get up earlier next time dumbass!"
miu-"shut up! you dont even have to get ready!"
natsumi-"yeah, cause i dont waste my time kn makeup!"
hiyoko-"can you two shut up?! im barely awake and i CANNOT deal with this right now!"
of course theyre complaining... whats new?
fuyuhiko-"were gonna be late! hurry up and eat!"
hiyoko-"as the oldest one here i order you here to shut the fuck up!"
peko-"and as the oldest looking one here, i order all of you to hurry up and eat because class starts in 15 minutes."
nastumi-"WAIT FOR ME BITCH!"
we all hurried out of the house and tried not to be late
honestly, ive never tripped so much in my life from running but i made it in time and im hoping miu and natsumi did too.
this lecture is so boring... i hate science...
i look around the classroom while still trying to focus on the lecture... but suddenly
a piece of crumbled paper hit me
it was from...kazuichi
the note reads: "meet me after school. i dont want to fight."
i write on the back of the note:"i dont have time. make it quick"
i pass it back and look at him
he gives me a nod confirming that its gonna be quick
what is he up to?
its lunch time and im with peko, hiyoko; and mahiru, hiyokos girlfriend.
fuyuhiko-"im meeting up with kazuichi later"
hiyoko-"again? you guys are like boyfriends!"
mahiru-"wait, fuyuhiko, are you dating kaz-"
hiyoko slapped me on the back on my head
hiyoko-"say that again and this will go from lunch time to wwe."
fuyuhiko-"ow! the hell was that for?"
mahiru-"only gay people can say faggot. are you gay?"
am i? no! of course not! or am i..?
hiyoko-"dont tell me you... ARE YOU? ARE YOU?"
fuyuhiko-"i mean- i- its just- its maybe- I DONT KNOW!"
mahiru-"ah, the closet is a dark place. suggesting that you get out of it soon."
fuyuhiko-"im going to the bathroom"
fuck. i dont know.
am i gay? confused? curious? god i dont know
ill figure it out
its time to meet kazuichi..AGAIN
hes there before i am
fuyuhiko-"what do you want?"
kazuichi-"i need your help."
fuyuhiko-"with what? do you want me to become your punching bag?"
kazuichi-"no, not that. my family is in debt and i need help."
fuyuhiko-"ok and? why should i care? i cant help you"
kazuichi-"please... help me get a job!"
kazuichi fell to his knees and started sobbing
kazuichi-"my family is in serious debt. my dad has a heavy drinking problem and doesnt work. we havent payed rent in a while and im probably gonna become homeless soon... so please help me!"
fuyuhiko-"why...why are you asking me?! i cant help you and i dont want to help you! i have no advantage helping someone like you! and after what happened yesterday, i definitely DONT want to help you!"
kazuichi-"please!! you are rich!! ill work as a mechanic for you if something breaks! just please help me!"
fuyuhiko-"fine. whatever. ill ask my family. if it doesnt work out its not my fault."
kazuichi shot up in excitement
kazuichi-"thank you so much"
he went to hug me
fuyuhiko-"h-hey!! back off!!"
kazuichi-"sorry! im just really happy youre giving me this opportunity!!"
fuyuhiko-"anyway, just give me your number and ill let you know what they say."
kazuichi-"alright, here.."
kazuichi handed me a business card
fuyuhiko-"you have a business card?"
kazuichi-"yeah, i have a small bike shop. no one really goes there"
fuyuhiko-"if my parents say no i can try and help you expand it."
kazuichi-"youre being nice all of the sudden!"
fuyuhiko-"im being nice cuz youre gonna be in debt to ME for a while. and not financially."
i didnt really expect any favors back but it would be nice
wait...why am i being so nice? thats weird...
fuyuhiko-"ill get going, good luck"
kazuichi-"thanks bro!! ill do my best!"
bro? he really sees me as his "bro"? we just met. whatever, im going home
i arrived home and natsumi greeted me
nastumi:"hows my favorite little twink doing?"
fuyuhiko:"shut the fuck up! im not gay!!"
nastumi:"okay, if you say so, anyway, what were you doing?"
fuyuhiko:"i met up with kazuichi. apparently he needs a job so he begged me to help him"
nastumi:"begged? like did he suck your dick or whatever?"
fuyuhiko:"WHAT THE FUCK?!"
nastumi:"im just teasing, anyways, hes getting an interview tommorow then?"
fuyuhiko:"yeah, hopefully that dumbass doesnt back out"
nastumi:"right.. anyways ill go back to doing my homework, you should start on it too"
fuyuhiko:"i dont need you to tell me"
i went back to my room, ngl im kind of pissed
but i just... why do i get so mad when people call me gay?
is it true? am i gay?
im so confused... why am i so scared..?
i just... how do i even find out? who do i ask?
i need to start on my home work...

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