day 7; chapter 1

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i wake up to kazuichis texts, yet again.
this time not all of them are deleted
kazuichi:"hey! i wanted to pay you back for yesterday, so, do you wanna come to the movies?:)))"
even though were dating, im still a little nervous whenever i text him
love does weird shit to you
fuyuhiko:"sure, just dont be late this time. when do u wanna meet up?"
kazuichi:"well, its like 11am rn,, does 3 sound good?^^"
fuyuhiko:"sure, i dont have a problem with that."
kazuichi:"ok!! see u soon>3<"
why does he keep using those stupid emojis? whatever, i gotta go eat
as i walk out of my room, i see peko in the kitchen, drinking tea
fuyuhiko:"morning peko"
peko:"good morning, young master. how was yesterday's date?"
fuyuhiko:"it- it wasnt a date!"
peko:"you dont have to lie, i saw it."
fuyuhiko:"you.. saw what?"
peko:"i saw you kiss kazuichi."
fuyuhiko:"what the- how?! were you spying on me?!"
peko:"isnt that my duty as your tool? i was just keeping you safe."
i was really mad at peko, i know its her job, but it just feels like an invasion of privacy
fuyuhiko:"im not a baby anymore, peko! i can do things in my own, without you protecting me! i want to have a life outside of the kuzuryu clan and outside of this whole tool bullshit! youre not a tool, peko! you can have your own life and do your own things, without following me!"
peko was taken aback by my words, she even looked a little offended
peko:"alright, i understand. i wont follow you anymore."
fuyuhiko:"yeah... okay..."
the tension made the air feel heavy, as if pushing down on my chest, making it hard to breathe
i dont regret what i said, but i do wish i would've worded it a bit better
i make eggs for breakfast and sit in silence as peko looks out of the window.
i can tell shes upset, but as much as i hate to say it, she needed to hear it.
im not a bad person for saying that! anyone wouldve done it too if they were in my position
i need to stop thinking about that now
i lie in bed
theres around an hour left before i have to be at the movies
i need to start getting dressed
i think something simple will do
after all, why would i put in effort for kazuichi?
GAH! i shouldnt be thinking that! hes my boyfriend after all...
ill just put on a shirt and jeans, basic but practical
im standing outside of the theater. and kazuichi is late... again
oh- nevermind hes running up to me
kazuichi:"sorry, i was late! again..."
fuyuhiko:"nice going, when are you gonna start showing up on time?!"
kazuichi:"uhm... haha... ANYWAYS, what movie do you want to watch?"
fuyuhiko:"i dont care, whatever is available."
kazuichi:"well theres only one available in like 10 minutes from now and its a h-horror movie.."
fuyuhiko:"alright, thats fine with me!"
kazuichi's pov:
fuyuhiko is fine with horror movies, but me? nah- i hate them. theyre just so scary!
i know thats the point but- i dont know if i can handle it
fuyuhiko:"hello? earth to kaz?"
i snapped back into reality
kazuichi:"im here, im here! lets just buy the tickets already!"
fuyuhiko:"jeez, fine! lets go to the booth."
as we walk to the booth, i look down at fuyuhiko who is oblivious to my fear of horror movies.
we walk up to the ticket booth
cashier:"hi, tickets for 2?"
fuyuhiko:"yes, please"
cashier:"alright, which movie?"
fuyuhiko:"the one for 3:30."
cashier:"alright, your total is 2680¥!"
fuyuhiko turns towards me and opens his hand
fuyuhiko:"your wallet, idiot."
kazuichi:"ohh, right!"
i place my wallet in fuyuhiko's hand, and our fingers touch for a brief moment
fuyuhiko turns slightly red and hands the cashier the money
we get our tickets and walk to the theater when suddenly-
fuyuhiko:"SNACKS!! can we get snacks?"
kazuichi:"sorry, i dont have a lot of money left."
fuyuhiko takes my hand and puts it on his cheek
fuyuhiko:"please?? just this once?"
i pull my hand away from his face, flustered
kazuichi:"al-alright! fine! you win!"
fuyuhiko:"i always do."
we walk towards the snack bar and buy popcorn and 2 sodas
we walk to the threater and sit down on the seats
as expected, the first 10 minutes are ads
fuyuhiko:"whats the point of all of these ads, theyre so annoying!"
kazuichi:"i dont know, it sucks how long these go on for."
fuyuhiko:"oh, the movie is finally starting!"
all of the anxiety that was hiding suddenly went down to my stomach, forming a pit of worry
i gulp in fear as the movie starts
fuyuhiko looks excited, as expected
as scared as i am, i cant help but realize how cute he looks when hes excited
fuyuhiko:"hm..? what are you looking at?"
kazuichi:"im just a bit scared.. looking at you helps me calm down a bit... heh."
fuyuhiko:"tch,  dumbass... here..."
fuyuhiko takes my hand and grasps it firmly
its dark, but i can feel how red we both are
the movie is getting really scary, i can feel a jump scare coming... i feel like im about to scream!
fuyuhiko is totally immersed in the movie
the scare comes, and i flinch, REALLY HARD, the popcorn almost went everywhere
fuyuhiko firmly grasps my hand, i can tell he got a little scared too.
after the scare we both calm down and continue watching the movie
fuyuhiko:"that movie was so great!"
kazuichi:"nuh uh,, there was TOO much blood, like an UNREALISTIC amount of blood!"
fuyuhiko:"anyways, thanks for taking me out today! i apreciate it!"
kazuichi:"well, y know, i had to pay you back somehow!"
fuyuhiko:"thanks, i have to get going though.."
kazuichi:"thats a shame... i wish we had more time."
fuyuhiko:"well, uh... you can come over whenever you like... id be happy to hang out more."
kazuichi:"ill try!"
fuyuhiko went on his toes, grabbed my face, and pulled me towards him
fuyuhiko:"ill see you tommorow at school, okay?"
he kisses me gently on the lips and goes home.

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