day 1;chapter 1

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Fuyuhikos POV
I finally got out the house for my first day of being a student at hopes peak academy, and as i walk out of the house with my sublings; miu,natsumi,and hiyoko; and my childhood friend; peko. i bump into another student.
???-"oops! sorry about that haha"
fuyuhiko-"watch where youre going, shark man"
i noticed that he was wearing the hoped peak uniform
fuyuhiko-"oh so youre a student too? better watch your back!"
miu-"hurry the fuck up shorty! im gonna be late for school! I dont have time for this shit!"
hiyoko-"we get it, shut the fuck up cow tits!"
miu looked away, insulted
natsumi-"we dont have time to pick fights, hurry your ass up to school!"
???-"jeez, you seem like an ass. hope were not in the same class"
hiyoko-"hurry up! were gonna be late!"
fuyuhiko-"yeah, yeah, whatever"
peko-"young master, dont get into trouble on your first day"
fuyuhiko-"dont worry, i wont"
natsumi-"knowing you, you definitly will"
i walked off to school and had miu go a different way, since shes still a middle schooler
hiyoko, peko, and i walked off to school
hiyoko-"hopefully we arent gonna be late because of you"
fuyuhiko-"shut up"
peko sighed, frustrated at the fact that she has to deal with our stupidity
we finally arrived at school and had our enterence ceremony
i walked into my class, my teacher this year was miss chisa yukizome
and low and behold, HE was there
it was that asshole from earlier
after the class introductions, i found out his name was kazuichi soda, the ultimate mechanic
and of COURSE i got placed next to him
jeez, this is gonna be "fun"
im sitting in class and the guy passes me a note with poor handwriting that reads "watch ur back!!>:("
so childish...
"meet me after school, pussy"
i passed the note back
he opened it and stuck out his tongue
whatever, ill beat his ass into a pulp
its the end of the school day and im standing near the exit
hiyoko and peko walk up to me
hiyoko-"hey, are you coming home?"
fuyuhiko-"i have some business to attend to"
peko-"what business?"
fuyuhiko-"its nothing, just pick up natsumi and miu and go home"
hiyoko-"is it about kazuichi!? you guys were passing noted to each other earlier!! are you in looove?"
fuyuhiko-"shut the hell up! its nothing like that!"
peko-"hiyoko, lets head home, fuyuhiko will come home when he needs to. "
hiyoko-"yeah yeah i know, im not worried"
peko-"come back soon young master, we will be waiting"
fuyuhiko-"ok, you can leave now"
hiyoko-"hope your little makeout session goes well!"
i flipped her off
its been like, 20 minutes and kazuichi still hasnt showed up
that guy is a wimp anyways
i was about to walk off when i heard a voice chasing after me
kazuichi-"hey asshole! i know im late but you couldve waited"
fuyuhiko-"so you finally decided to show up. at least youre not as much of a wimp as i thought you were"
kazuichi-"so what did you call me here for?"
fuyuhiko-"are you stupid? were gonna fight!"
kazuichi-"me? you? FIGHT? youre like 5 feet tall! i can easily pick you up!"
fuyuhiko-"oh yeah? wanna prove that?"
kazuichi-"yeah, babyface!!"
kazuichi-"i called you babyface, BABYFACE!"
i went it for a punch and...
kazuichi-"stop. you have no chance."
he blocked my punch...
wait what?
how did he??
fuyuhiko-"you asshole! how?"
kazuichi-"im leaving, i dont have time for this. goodbye."
he left
he just...left?
wait, no!!
this isnt how its supposed to go!
im supposed to beat him up and win...but
am i really that weak?
natsumi-"youre finally home!"
peko-"that didnt take too long."
hiyoko-"how was the make out session with souda?"
miu-"where were you?"
fuyuhiko-"just shut up.."
i dropped my bag near the exit and went to my room
am i really that weak? most of the time i win.. i always win.. so why did he...
i punched the wall out of anger.
great.. now there is a hole in my wall. i have to fix that later
someone knocked on my door
peko-"young master, are you ok?"
fuyuhiko-"im fine! go away!!!"
peko-"are you hungry? dinner is ready"
fuyuhiko-"IM FINE! I SAID GO AWAY!"
after that... i didnt hear from her
i shouldnt have yelled at her. ill apologize tommorow. i have to do my homework for now.
its been 3 hours. as much as i try to focus, i cant... my mind keeps coming back to the fight.
fuyuhiko-"god damn it..."
i cant focus... i need to distract myself.
i take out my phone and headphones out of my pocket and turn on some music.
usually that helps... usually being the key word
fuyuhiko-"DAMN IT!! why cant i focus?"
someone knocked on my door
fuyuhiko-"again? what do you want?"
hiyoko entered my room
hiyoko-"youre such an asshole! i heard you yell and i was gonna ask if youre ok"
fuyuhiko-"im fine! i just cant focus.."
hiyoko-"awww, are you thinking about your boyfriend?"
hiyoko-"i didnt say kazuichi, but its funny how when i said 'boyfriend' you thought about him."
fuyuhiko-"can you leave? i need to finish this!"
i continued struggling
hiyoko-"youre so stubborn! here.."
hiyoko handed me her notebook
fuyuhiko-"youre giving me the answers?!"
hiyoko-"take it with a grain of salt, not all of these are correct. math isnt my strong suit."
fuyuhiko-"thanks. i owe you one."
hiyoko-"you sure as fuck do! anyway, give it back when youre done."
i started copying from hiyokos notebook as she left my room, and i was done in no time. to be honest, im better at math then her, but today i couldn't even focus.

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