day 3, chapter 1

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i woke up my alarm blaring into my ears
i slammed the alarm...
i dont wanna get up... i dont wanna face kazuichi... i dont wanna face anyone...
but i have to... because it's wednesday...
i got up and went to the bathroom
why cant i look at myself in the mirror? i feel dirty..?
"i cant even be bothered to brush my teeth"
oh.. my uniform is still dirty from yesterday
ill just put it on
i got out of my room
peko:"good morning young master"
hiyoko:"hey hey!!! you look down! is it cause natsumi called you a twink yesterday?!"
fuyuhiko:"can you shut the fuck up? im not in the mood.."
miu:"ok dipshit, just make sure you grab food on your way out"
i ignored miu..
i heard hiyoko run up behind me
hiyoko:"OK LISTEN HERE YOU CUNT! what is your problem? youre not getting any food, youre pissed for no reason, why??? what are you so mad about? i know you have anger issues, but damn! whats got you so worked up?"
fuyuhiko:"youre gonna make fun of me for it.."
hiyoko:"i already make fun of you all the time"
fuyuhiko:"just drop it, its nothing"
hiyoko:"im not gonna drop it, if it was nothing you wouldnt be as much of an asshole as you are right now!"
fuyuhiko:"fine.. ill tell you but lets start walking.."
i told hiyoko about what was bothering me
hiyoko:"god, youre worked up over nothing, no one cares if youre gay, youre not special. youre being such a pussy, and for what? its just your internalized homophobia."
fuyuhiko:"youre not wrong"
hiyoko:"anyway, what made you start wondering that you like men?"
fuyuhiko:"uhh,, well,, you see"
shit, i dont know how to explain this
fuyuhiko:"it may or may not be because of..kazuichi.."
hiyoko:"REALLY? HIM? how low are your standards?"
fuyuhiko:"SHUT UP! hes cute in a weird way.."
hiyoko:"okayyy... confess to him or ill do it for you!"
fuyuhiko:"you will WHAT? IF YOU DO THAT-"
hiyoko:"yeah, i know! so do it as soon as possible!"
fuyuhiko:"what if hes not into men-"
hiyoko:"you wont know unless you ask. thats my method of getting pussy."
hiyoko:"i was joking.. but seriously, you need to do something. plus, almost everyone in the family is gay, miu is dating one of her girl class mates-"
fuyuhiko:"miu is gay??"
hiyoko:"yeah, of course she is! god youre so behind!"
we ended up talking about a lot of stuff, until we finally arrived to school
i met kazuichi in front of the school gate.. its time to ask
kazuichi:"hey bro!! thanks for the other day!!"
fuyuhiko:"yeahhh,,, uhmm,,, do you mind if we talk after school? like,, before your interview??"
kazuichi:"yeah i dont mind!"
fuyuhiko:"thats great!! uhh,, see you soon!!" *finger guns*
kazuichi:"yeah! see ya"
he left
oh my god that was embarassing
hiyoko:"youre a disappointment, have you ever flirted? miu wouldnt be proud."
fuyuhiko:"you dont have to rub it into my face"
we went our seperate ways
my heart is pounding.. what am i gonna say?
as the school day drew to an end i became more and more anxious
kazuichi is supposed to have his interview today but im not sure weather to confess to him before or after
i still want more time to think... dammit, i should've kept my mouth shut... now if i dont tell him hiyoko is gonna do it for me
but will he even believe her? who am i kidding, of course hes gonna believe her... im just gonna get it over with right now... god, if he doesnt feel the same way theres no telling what might happen.
oh and there he comes...
kazuichi:"hey bro!! you wanted to talk about something, right?"
fuyuhiko:"yeah,, to be honest its a very hard topic but theres no point of beating around the bush..."
kazuichi:"hard topic? like, family stuff?"
fuyuhiko:"no, its a lot different.. i..."
i started stuttering,, nervousness took over and i felt like i was about to faint.
kazuichi:"are you ok? youre stuttering a lot-"
fuyuhiko:"SHUT UP!!"
kazuichi:"geez.. sorry?"
fuyuhiko:"sorry im just,,, im gonna be honest, i dont know how to tell you this.."
kazuichi:"if you dont wanna talk about it, its ok! whatever you wanna tell me sounds pretty personal, and it's understandable if you cant trust me. but at the same time, the fact that you need to tell me this and you say its a hard topic makes me worried."
why do i feel like crying... im just so scared...
fuyuhiko:"fine,, its not really something i need to talk about, its more like something that i need to ask."
kazuichi:"ok, ill try to answer as honestly as i can! you can trust me! after all, were bros, arent we?"
... him saying that makes me even more scared
fuyuhiko:"ok... im gonna be honest, im still hesitating but.. i need to know... are you umm,,, uhh,, do you,, like,,, are you-"
oh god im so nervous
kazuichi:"just ask, how bad can it be?"
fuyuhiko:"do you... like... men...?"
kazuichi:"uhh,, do you mean like.. would i date one? why do you need to know that?"
fuyuhiko:"because i-"
hiyoko:"its because fuyuhiko likes you."
hiyoko:"i never said i wouldnt, i said id tell him if you didnt do it yourself. you asked him if he liked men, not if he liked you."
i felt like the floor collapsed beneath me and i was falling to my death
hiyoko betrayed me... nothing more, nothing less
what did i do to deserve this
i felt my start to eyes water, but-
hiyoko:"kazuichi, you should give fuyu a chance, i mean, you dont know for sure if youre straight, do you?"
huh? is she trying to-
kazuichi:"fuyuhiko... im sorry but... i just..."
no... i cant... i dont wanna hear it
i cant handle this
i started running back home
kazuichi:"WAIT, BRO-"
it hurts me so much to tell him to shut up... but it hurts way more to get rejected...
he didnt even give me a chance
if i kept my mouth shut and not told hiyoko my problems, this would've never happened
i regret it... so much...
KAZUICHIS POV (omg a pov change!! fun!!)
i wasnt even finished talking and fuyuhiko ran off... i should've worded my sentence better...
hiyoko:"damn... i messed up, didnt i?"
kazuichi:"hey hiyoko... why did you do that?"
hiyoko:"... its for his own good..."
hiyoko continued talking
hiyoko:"ive known fuyuhiko for a while, y'know? im his sister, after all. i know him well, and if i didnt get involved he wouldn't have said anything. he wouldve just said 'nevermind, lets just go to the interview' and im sure he would regret not asking."
kazuichi:"but, i think you hurt him a lot just now. if i was him, id rather bottle it up than have someone out me."
hiyoko:"if you wanna cheer him up, then go talk to him... its not my problem anymore!"
kazuichi:"how am i supposed to-"
hiyoko handed me her house keys
hiyoko:"what are you waiting for, hurry up! im gonna go see mahiru, tell me how it goes later."
god,, what am i supposed to do? i dont even know if i like dudes, so i dont know how to cheer him up... i dont wanna lie to him...
FUYUHIKOS POV(sorry for the pov switches!)
by the time i ran back home i looked like a wet dog, i was super sweaty
but my anger and sadness pushed how tired i was out of the way
i went into my room and slammer my door... i had locked myself in.
all of the sudden, i started crying
the whole time i wanted to cry, and when i finally did i felt like a dam that burst because of the water pressure
i just started crying... why am i so sad?
everything hurts... does that mean that i trully liked him? but ive never cried this hard over a crush...
i buried myself in my blanket and continued to cry
i felt like the biggest wimp
KAZUICHIS POV (god im so sorry if this is confusing-)
i decided that i had to cheer up fuyuhiko, so i rushed over to his house
i ran as fast as i could, like i was a race car trying to be the first to cross the finish line
i was sweating but that didnt stop me
im not even that close to fuyuhiko, but he trusted me enough to even consider telling me he liked me, so im trusting him too..
i finally reached his house. i knew where to go because the address was written on the key
i dont know weather to be mad at hiyoko or thank her
but thats not important
i dont know how fuyuhiko will react to my arrival so instead of just entering ill knock...
*knock knock*
a tall, blone girl answered the door
???:"eh? who the fuck are ya?"
kazuichi:"oh uhh, im here to see fuyuhiko-"
???:"hes not in the mood right now, get lost!"
kazuichi:"what do you mean?"
???:"the fucker is real mad, lemme tell you that much! as soon as he entered the house, he ran into his room and slammed the door!"
did i really make him that mad?
kazuichi:"i dont care! i need to talk to him!"
???:"fine, be my guest, but if you walk out with a bruise on your face dont fuckin blame anyone but yourself for that!"
jeez, shes definitly fuyuhikos sister
i went into their house and found fuyuhikos room
*knock knock*
fuyuhiko:"whos there?"
i could hear that fuyuhikos voice was very shaky
kazuichi:"uhh,, hi? ehehe,,,"
fuyuhiko:"what the fuck are you doing here? leave!"
kazuichi:"i just wanna talk.. you didnt even get to hear me finish talking!"
fuyuhiko:"i already know what your answer will be. did you come back just to rub it into my face?"
kazuichi: "no, its not like that.. you didnt even get to hear me out."
fuyuhiko:"fine, make it quick"
kazuichi:"heres the thing, i think of you as a friend, nothing more, so i dont wanna lie to you and be all like 'yEaH iLl ToTaLlY dAtE yOu!!!" when i dont want to.."
fuyuhiko:"i knew it."
kazuichi:"HOWEVER- i wanna get to know you better since we've only know each other for a few days. maybe sometime during the week we can go to the park or something?"
fuyuhiko:"i dont see the point. why are you still trying to make me feel better, do you want the job that bad?"
oops,, did i make it too obvious?
kazuichi:"n-no!! w-well yeah,, but i wanna be closer friends with you too!"
fuyuhiko:"sure. just... if you dont mind...can you just...leave?"
kazuichi:"o-oh,. sure!! uhh,, bye!"
i walked out of his room and out of his house
god that was awkward, i hope i made him feel a little better tho
as soon as kazuichi got out of my room, i slammed the door and immediately started crying
i made such a fool out of myself
he doesnt even like me,,, why bother?
i heard a knock on my door
miu:"hey dipshit!! dinners ready!!"
i tried to speak without making it obvious i was crying
fuyuhiko:"i-im not *hic* hungry!! *sniff*"
miu:"hey, are you crying? dont tell me youre crying! was it because of that pink haired fag?" (authors note: i can say fag dw im a homo)
fuyuhiko:"im not!! and *sniff* dont call him that!"
miu entered my room and plopped down beside me
miu:"was that your boyfriend?"
fuyuhiko:"i wish.. we're just friends."
miu:"oh. why are you crying tho?"
fuyuhiko:"long story..."
miu:"i said WHY ARE YOU CRYING?"
fuyuhiko:"jesus, youre stubborn... fine, ill explain."
i explained everything to miu, hoping she wouldnt betray me
miu:"thats a lot to unpack, but first... WHY THE FUCK DID HIYOKO DO THAT? WHAT A GODDAMN SNAKE!"
fuyuhiko:"i have no clue, but she ruined it all."
miu:"so that pink haired bitch came to apologize?"
fuyuhiko:"yeah, but it didnt really make me feel better since he didnt really do anything wrong. it was my fault for getting attached so soon.@
miu:"its not your fault you goddamn twink!! im gonna beat some sense into hiyoko later!"
fuyuhiko:"thats just gonna make things worse.. its best if she stays out of this."
miu:"but she betrayed you! people like that need a good lesson!!"
fuyuhiko:"i said its fine! but... thanks for listening."
miu:"no problem, relationships are complicated as shit! i love my girlfriend but im still figuring things out!"
fuyuhiko:"whos your girlfriend?"
miu:"shes my class mate, kaede! shes kind of a freak if you know what i mean!"
i glared at miu
miu:"w-why are you looking at me like that!! i just meant that shes a piano freak!!"
fuyuhiko:"dont scare me like that!"
miu:"well, im going to my room! see ya!"
fuyuhiko:"good night!"
when miu walked out, i started on my homework, which i had a lot of.
*3 hr time skip*
i was really tired, so i decided to end it here and go sleep...

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