Chapter 3- A Little Insight

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Brielle's P.O.V.

I walk out of the Starbucks and on to the sidewalk, occupying the left side. I look at my feet, and start to play a little game. I take a step in each square, not more than one, not less than one, only one step. No stepping on cracks either, 'Step on a crack, break your mother's back.' Rings through my mind, as I continue to watch every step I take, sipping my coffee every so often.

I look up, seeing not many people are on the sidewalks this early, I start to go every which way through the blocks of cement. One step to the right, another, and then one to the left. I giggle a bit, feeling like a child. I quickly push my hair behind my ear, as it's blocking my peripheral vision.

I accidently bump shoulders with a young woman, both of us putting a hand up and mumbling a sorry. I should probably be a little more careful with this game of mine. Or not? I chuckle to myself and run my free hand through my hair again, allowing it to go into my eyesight.

I glance up, but a little too late, as I bump into another person, but this time, the person was a lot bigger. I fumble a bit backward, before falling onto my bum, my hair going into my eyes again, only worse than before. I mumble a few cuss words and look at my shirt, there's my coffee on it, and obviously the other persons, seeing there's two shades now on my cream colored jumper.

I let go of my jumper, letting it loosly fall over my body again and pushing the hair out of my eyes. I look up and see the person I least want to see standing in front of me with a smirk on his face.

This Harry arse is stalking me, I swear. I send him a glare and get up quickly, dusting off my bum a bit. "Watch where you're going jerk." I mumble, not looking back up at him.

"Hmm? What'd you say?" He asks, obviously amused by the situation he's put me in.

"You should really watch where you're going jerk!" I exclaim, throwing my hands up. Emphasising the stains on my shirt. Who does he think he is? Some fancy popstar who gets what he wants, look again buddy, you're not that cool.

"Maybe you should stop looking at your shoes, and walk like a real person." He yells, fury obvious in his tone.

I give him a disbelieving look, "Are you try to blame this on me?"

"Obviously. It was your fault if you haven't noticed?" He says, now giving me the same look.

Is he really trying to put this on me? This lad is nuts! I roll my eyes, walking away, making sure to hit him with my shoulder. With his height compared to mine though, I shouldered him in the chest rather than his shoulder.

He grabs my wrist tightly, I let out a squeak, as he's hurting me. "What are you doing?" I exclaim, attempting to claw his hand from my wrist, where he's obviously leaving a bruise.

"Aren't you going to buy me a new coffee?" He questions, through clenched teeth, tightening his grip on me a little more.

I cry in pain a little bit, "Sure, just let go of me you arsehole!"

"That's better." He says, throwing my arm down to my side. I give him a terrified look before quickly running as fast as my sandals can take me. Brielle Jacobs is out!

Harry's P.O.V.

I groan as she runs away, what's wrong with her? All that I want is my coffee and this girl decides to ruin my day once again. I get two days away from her, two days, that's it? What more could happen?

I spoke a moment too soon, as London is just against me today, the rain drizzling from the clouds above. I fix my jacket a bit before quickly running toward my car in the opposite direction of Brielle.

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