Christmas Miracles | Wessa

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Christmas Miracles | Wessa

"Are you sure?" the woman asked, her voice laced with doubt and fear. Her eyes fell on the figure beside her, and she looked at him for support. The robed man beside her placed his hand gently on hers, his own eyes looking to the horizon.

"I am sure," he said gently, squeezing her hand in a comforting manner.


"Who's your uncle? Who's your favourite, bestest uncle?" Will said as he held Anna in his hands, holding her out and up as the toddler giggled.

"You're her only blood uncle," Cecily said, leaning into the plush back of the couch. "Other than Gideon, of course."

"Gideon's always trying to get ahead of me," the man declared, setting his niece on the floor. "Gifts. Compliments. But I have natural charm."

Anna's smile stretched as she spotted Charles Fairchild crawling into the room. Will heard Charlotte's chiding tone and laughed, sitting down beside him sister. He would've joined the Lightwood brothers on their scout but Tessa had gone to visit Jem and he wanted to know how it had gone.

"Do you think you would like one of your own, Will?" Cecily asked as she watched his eyes follow the two children with delight.

His smile fell slightly as he thought of his wife. "A child? I would, but Tessa doesn't know - That is, it might not be possible."

Cecily sighed, ruffling her brother's hair. "Gwilym..."

He turned away, chuckling. "It is alright," he said. "I have Tessa and she makes me happy. It is a strange thing to get used to. Being happy."

Tessa leant against the doorframe, a smile on her face as she watched the siblings. Cecily was a brave, outgoing woman, and Will... Tessa didn't think she would ever stop loving him.

"I had always thought our father and mother had the best love story in our family," Cecily said, a warm smile on her face as her brother raised his eyebrows. "But I think it might be you."

"What about you and Gabriel?" Will asked, a teasing time to his voice.

"Well, he is a Lightworm," Cecily replied teasingly.

Tessa couldn't help herself, and she started to laugh. The siblings' heads turned in sync, and Will's face lit up as he spotted his wife.

"Will, can I talk to you?" the warlock said, a smile on her face. Charlotte looked up from her son, a grin playing on her lips. With a sharp look towards Cecily, the two woman lifted their children into their arms.

"I was just about to take the children to the nursery," Charlotte said, sending the pair a smile.

Cecily didn't look as happy. "Just when I thought there might be gossip," she huffed, walking down the hall after the Consul.

The door closed, but not before Tessa and Will heard Charles being chided once again.

As soon as it clicked shut, Will was on his feet, rushing to his wife. "Is everything alright? Is Jem alright?"

"He's well. Of course he's well."

"Are you alright?" Will said, noticing the strange look in her eyes. She heard the worry in his voice as he said her name. "Tessa-"

She reached up on her toes to whisper in his ear, and felt his hands tense on her waist. He pulled away, raising a hand to his mouth.

"Are you sure?" he asked, his violet blue eyes wide with excitement and fear.

"I'm sure," she said softly, and squealed as he spun her around, his arms wrapped around her waist.

"James," he said as he set her back on her feet. "Of course we'll name him James."

"Of course," Tessa agreed, thinking back to the silver-haired man who held the other half of her heart and the other half of Will's.

She felt his lips on hers, and then he pulled away, gazing with awe at her stomach. She giggled at his excitement, and smiled as he crouched down and placed his hand right on the slight bump.

"I will always love you with all of my heart," he whispered, resting his forehead against her stomach. "Both you, James, and your mother."


Brother Zachariah gazed up at the window of the Institute, a faint smile on his face as he watched Will and Tessa laugh and kiss. They deserved all the happiness they could get together, and he could only smile more as he thought of the two as parents.

Their son was going to be very lucky to have the two people Jem loved the most as his parents.

a/n: ok guys, I hope you enjoyed this :) it's a more written version of Cassandra Jean's comic that she posted on tumblr. (You should check it out because it's adorable. There's a snippet {hopefully} in the multimedia)

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