My Heart Will Go On | Wessa AU

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disclaimer: we own none of these characters, and never will. all these characters belong to the wonderful cassandra clare, and the always will. okay? continue...


Tessa closed the door to her apartment, sighing as she tossed her bag on the couch. Working at a bookshop cafe was tiring, especially when it was based on a college campus and closed at midnight. She was taking a gap year to save for college herself, hoping to become an english major. 

She was almost asleep on the couch when the first few notes reached her ears. Groaning, she grabbed a pillow and pulled it over her ears, trying to cancel the sound out. Sadly, the piano music continued to play. Unable to go back to sleep, Tessa scowled and pushed herself up. Grabbing her laptop, she attempted to research what song it was. If she couldn't sleep, then surely she could at least know what song was keeping her awake. The only problem was, it was hard to find a song with no lyrics. She wondered how fans of classical music coped.

Grimacing, she opted instead to read. Tessa needed to get through this book so she could read the next one that had just come out. Admittedly, she was rereading it, but she felt like she was cheating if she didn't read this one first. Sighing, she turned on her lamp and curled up on the couch, opening her book. The music of the piano was beginning to sound familiar though, and she found she couldn't focus on the book. Tossing it to the side, she bit her lip and focused on the piano. It sounded familiar, maybe from a movie. 

With that in mind, she reached for her laptop again. Tessa had watched a very small collection of movies, as she was more interested in books, so it wasn't difficult to find the song. She stared at the page of results, a small smile tugging on her lips.

The mysterious piano player was playing My Heart Will Go On from The Titanic. Shaking her head, Tessa shut down her laptop and stood up. As much as the piano player was good, she was tired and really needed to sleep. She started work again at eight the next morning, and she was already exhausted.

Opening the door, she let herself yell the word. "Jack! Can you shut up?!"

The piano player fell silent, the last few notes lingering in the air. Suddenly she heard footsteps from the hall above her. "Rose!"

Her eyes widened in surprise as a dark haired man came running down the stairs. He looked down the opposite hall, then towards her. A smile lit up his face, and he ran towards her. Tessa's jaw dropped as he grabbed her by the waist, spinning her around.

"Can you put me down?" she queried, amused as his cheeks turned pink. The man obeyed, tugging nervously on the sleeves of his shirt. "My name is Tessa, by the way. Not Rose."

He grinned, his violet blue eyes lighting up. "I'm Will. You're quite pretty, Miss Tessa."

"I highly doubt it, Master Will," she teased, feeling an instant connection to the stranger. It seemed bizarre, to be so comfortable around a man she'd just met. But she couldn't help it. Something drew her to him like a moth to a flame. "I am quite exhausted, after all."

"Well, I shall let you get back to your bed," he said, still grinning. "Goodnight, Tess."

"Goodnight Will," she said softly as he began to walk away. He was almost gone when she thought to add more. "And no more of that piano playing!"

The sound of his laughter echoed down the halls, and she retreated back into her apartment with a smile on her face. 

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