Herons and Thorns

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Lucie Herondale

I frowned at the line up of dresses laid out on my bed. One was a bright yellow one that brightened my dull complexion; the other a scarlet red with a flowing skirt: the other a casual brown with a white collar and a small red ribbon to tie around it. The final one was a black and white striped one that made my skin paler which made my eyes brighter.

"Lucie, what are you doing?" James asked, leaning against the door. I blushed, and I saw an amused grin cross his face.

"Finding a dress," I replied, not giving any detail. He grinned, showing off his bright white teeth.

"Ooh, is Jesse courting you?" he teased, vanishing into the shadows. He reappeared right beside me, and I clutched my heart, glaring daggers at him.

"James!" I snapped, annoyed. He started laughing, his golden eyes bright. I actually liked the unique colour of his eyes: they made him quite pretty. But that wasn't the point.

Father's blue eyes darkened slightly as he saw the dresses. "Lucie, what are you doing?" he asked, and James laughed. I smiled, noticing they'd asked the same question.

"Finding a dress," I said again. I really didn't want my father to know Jesse was courting me. He raised an eyebrow, his lips curving into a smirk.

"Ar you sure, Lucie?" he chuckled, stepping closer. Suddenly an arm pulled him back, and my mother's sparkling grey eyes appeared beside him.

"Will, leave Lucie alone," she said firmly, making Father frown.

"Tess, I wasn't doing anything," he lied. She saw right through him though.

"I will change into your sister, Will," she threatened. I saw his eyes widen, and understood why. Aunt Cecily was very stubborn, and loved to annoy her brother.

"Fine, I'll leave her alone," Father sighed, "but I don't want that Blackthorn near my daughter."

"Father!" I cried, making James laugh. Mother walked quickly over to him, hitting him around the head before he could shadow-travel. He pouted at her.

"Lucie dear," Mother said, sending me a smile. "I'd go with the red one."

"Thanks, Mother," I said as she hurriedly pushed the boys out of the room, closing the door behind her. I quickly changed into the dress, getting Mother back in to tie the laces tightly. She skilfully tied my hair into a elegant chignon, and stepped back.

She slipped her necklace off of her neck, draping it over my shoulders. "Lucie, promise me this: you will never take this off."

"I promise, Mother," I said, confused.

"It is special to me. And it's been touched by an angel, Lucie. Be careful, but also know that this will protect you." She placed a kiss on my forehead. "And tell Jesse hello from all of us."

I smiled. "I love you, mother."

"I love you too, Lucie," she said, and I heard her voice break. I saw the tears in her eyes, and she quickly wiped them away, smiling at me. "I can't believe you're being courted."

"Please don't keep bringing it up," I begged. "James keeps teasing me about it."

She smiled, her eyes bright for the grey they were. "I'll deal with him. And your father as well."

I pulled on a coat, then quickly hugged her. "Enjoy it," she whispered in my ear. I smiled.

"Of course," I replied, rushing out of the door. Our carriage waited for me at our gate, and I laughed as I heard Father cursing at the ducks who seemed to love our pond. James and Father, however, didn't much like the ducks.

"Blackfriars Bridge, thank you," I said, and the driver slapped the reins and the horses lurched forward, their hooves clipping on the hard-packed dirt of the road. I leant back in the seat and closed my eyes.

* * * * *

When they opened, the carriage was just coming to a stop. A familiar figure helped me out, a smile on his face. But even now I could see how sick he was getting.

"Jesse, are you sure you are alright?" I asked, putting my hand on his arm. He gave me a tight smile, then a more gentle one.

"I am quite alright, Lucie," Jesse said, his eyes filling with warmth. I looped my arm with his, and we strolled down the bridge, the stars twinkling in the midnight sky.

"Jesse, why me?" I blurted out. His eyes landed on me, a frown on his face.

"What do you mean, Lucie?" he queried, his brows furrowing.

"Why me? Out of all the Shadowhunter girls you could've chosen, you chose me. Why?" I asked, my curiosity coming out. He laughed.

"Your curiosity is one of the reasons," Jesse replied, his lips curving into a smile. "Also, your natural beauty, your intelligence. You're not afraid to fight, and you're one of the best female Shadowhunters I've ever seen."

I gave him a shy smile. No one had ever said anything like that to me, apart from my parents of course. His eyes held a shyness I never even knew he had as he started leaning towards me. I unlinked our arms, sliding mine around his neck. His wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer. His lips slowly landed on mine, a soft, gentle kiss filled with love. He pulled away, a laugh escaping his lips.

I immediately went red. I didn't know if he'd courted any other women- what if that kiss was horrid? Oh, what was I going to do?

My thoughts were smashed into tiny pieces as his lips met mine again, his grip on my waist tightening. I gasped slightly, threading my fingers in his hair.

After a moment, he pulled away, a smile on his face. "I can now add your kisses onto that list," he stated, his eyes warm. I melted in his arms, leaning my head on his chest. He rested his chin on the crown of my head, his breath ruffling my hair.

"Jesse, will you tell my the truth now?" I asked softly. I felt him frown.

"The truth?"

"Are you well?"

I felt him stiffen, then relax almost in defeat. "No. I'm not. I'm so sorry, Lucie. But I want to spend the rest of my life as a normal man would; with a wife and a family if I can. I so dearly hope that you will be the one I would have children with, Lucie. I so desperately want you to be the mother of our children that it hurts."

I felt tears stinging at my eyes as he continued.

"I give you one promise, Lucie. When you're old enough, and if I'm still here, I'll ask for your hand in marriage. It's the most I can do right now. I'm sorry."

"Jesse," I whispered. "You'll still be here. You will be here until I'm not. Do you understand that?"

He chuckled, moving away so I could look at his face. I could now see the dark curves under his eyes, the drawn look on his face. "Perhaps I may add stubborn to that list too, Lucie. But yes, I understand."

"I accept that promise. Just promise me one thing; that you'll be here to fulfil it."

He smiled down at me, his eyes sparkling. "I promise I'll do everything in my power to fulfil it, Lucie. I promise on the Angel and the mortal instruments. I promise on my family, and I promise on my own life."

The tears rolled down my cheeks but he wiped them away, not taking his eyes off of mine. He leant down again and this time I moved toward him, our lips meeting dead in the middle.

Passion, love, loss and promises swirled inside that one touch; that one touch that I would remember for the rest of my life.

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