
326 9 14

September 19th, 4:56 pm,


I wake up alone. Again. I can't deal with it anymore. The pain she causes me is overwhelming. Every time I shut my eyes, she disappears. It's a repeated pattern. Over. And over. And over.

I never even took my shoes off, so I head straight to the door, hand aiming for the handle. I look down when it doesn't open, seeing the brand new silver key on the floor. It is mine, not hers, which is sitting on her desk. She didn't take a key with her. Did she plan on not returning?

I knew she wasn't comfortable when we came back to her dorm, but then again, she didn't ask me to leave. I want to feel scared, but I know she is okay. I can feel it. This isn't new for me. Although I am trying not to worry, my body freezes over, my throat clogging with stress. Leaning down, I snatch the metal from the floor, shoving it into the lock. I am not happy. I am angry.

I am angry that she left me again.

I am angry that I am clueless. I don't know if Liam took her, or whether she left on her own accord. Her not being here could be a simple result. Maybe she has gone to explore the school, to attend all the classes she missed. It is Thursday, and lessons are still one, but I am not certain she knows that. The whole time period is a bit of a blur to me. Whilst Bella was gone, I lost track of dates, they just dissipated out of my life.

As I storm out of the room, my body bashes into another. A blonde one. I sprawl my fists into their shirt and prepare to lay a punch. Liam is so stupid thinking he could come here and survive.

''Ash! Woah. . . WOAH. Calm down!'' I hear the voice say from below me. Way below me. Liam is much larger than the body before me. Before I knew it, I pressed them against the wall, my body tensed up. My eyes are so enraged I didn't even register the face. It isn't him. It is Josh.

A rumble echoes through my teeth as I shove him into the wall before pulling away, releasing him from my clutches. ''I thought you were Liam.'' He looks up at me. ''Sorry, I guess.'' Did I really just say that? A smirk forms on his face. ''Keep that smirk on your face and I will knock you out,'' I threaten, causing the smile to drop immediately. He gives me an apologetic look, before slapping his hands together. ''What are you doing here?'' 

He looks up at me again. ''Um, Bella rang me a few hours ago. . . I am here to see how she is.''

"What?" I growl. Bella left here to ring Josh?

''Yeah, she wanted to see me,'' He replies, the smile returning. I can't tell if he is lying. Why would Bella want to see him?

"Did she now?" I scowl, questioning rhetorically.

"Yup," He answers, smugly. I want to knock the stupid smirk off his face. Knock it right into the wall.

Stop. Bella wouldn't want me to do this.

He tries to move around me to enter her dorm. "Where is she then?" 

I move back quickly, placing my body in the doorway. ''One, you aren't allowed to enter our room. And two, Bella isn't even in there.'' There is no way I am letting him in.

''Our room?'' 

My hand rides up the doorframe. I lean into it, my body towering over Josh. I don't even want to look at his face, he freakishly looks like Liam. ''Yes. . . Mine and Bella's.'' 

''Where are you headed?'' He acknowledges.

''You see Josh, that isn't any of your business. Is it?'' I declare.

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