
348 9 23

September 20th, 10:32 am,


They didn't let me leave.

I had to endure the entire night with a killer in my room. 

Josh stayed too, unaware of the danger he was in. 

Ash took care of the gun, hiding it from me. Supposedly keeping it away from me. How did he expect me to sleep knowing my killer had that chance to murder me? 

They didn't sleep until I was, ensuring I couldn't escape. They just watched me in silence. I ended up resting, but now I am wide awake. And I have been for a while. I have been assessing the correct time to escape. Both of them are fast asleep- Ashton perched opposite my bed against the wall, and Josh on what Ash said is my roommate's bed. They've been this way since I woke.

I watched and waited. 

I am still wearing yesterday's outfit. They wouldn't leave me alone to get changed, so I decided against it. I don't really remember how I fell asleep, or when. I just know that I was very drunk. I didn't keep track of how many drinks I consumed with Liam, but there were a fair few. The result is a major splitting headache and the urge to throw up every time I close my eyes.

I am scared to stand in case I fall straight back down. One step in the wrong place could be fatal.

Wedging my eyes closed as the sun edged into the room, I watch as they glide across Ashton's golden skin. I squirm, scared the brightness will wake him, but it doesn't.

This is my moment.

I need to get out. Now.

Lifting my blanket off my body, I wiggle my legs 180 degrees, so my feet are hanging off the side of the bed. One foot after another, I step delicately onto the solid carpet. It is soft but prone to creaking, as I learned yesterday. I wince as a dull squeak echoes from underneath me. My eyes jolt towards Ash, checking for any stirring. I don't worry about Josh, he isn't a psychotic killer.

I almost feel bad about leaving. Ash could kill him just to get back at me. Josh showed whose side he was on yesterday. I would wake him - just to warn him - but he would most likely prevent me from leaving.

Using both feet, I push all of my weight onto the floor, stepping in the places I noted to not squeak. I have only been in this room twice since my Amnesia came on. I would say I know it quite well for that time period.

With each step, I glance back at Ash, who doesn't move once. Only his chest rises up and down with every breath. After a tedious minute, I reach the door. Breathing my final gulp of air, I tug at the handle. It doesn't budge. I try once again, tugging at the handle.

They took the keys.

I scan the room, targeting where they are.

I am trapped in the room with an arsonist and my ex-boyfriend.

Ash's body moves slightly as he adjusts his position. A small jingling sound escapes from his body. How the hell am I going to get them out of his pocket?

I have to do it. Though nerves reside in me, this is my only chance at vanishing.

Stretching over to his slumbering body, I step over the creaky sections cautiously, gasping as I nearly trip over the photograph he knocked down. My head whirs, my eyes trying to focus properly.

Holding my air, I reach my shaking hand over his body. The key isn't visible, but I can see the shape of it in his jacket. I know he has his own set of keys, including one for my dorm. I saw him attach it to the rest of his keys. That option will be too noisy. So I opt for the safer option, my own key. This one is more visible, and secluded in his top pocket. 

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