Chapter 30

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Chapter 30! Whoop whoop! Yay for milestones lol.

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•Justin's POV•

Ryan and I had taken the kids out for pizza for dinner and now I was making sure Scarlett got ready for bed.
I was watching her brush her teeth, making sure she did it correctly.
"Jugkin, iz Feljena holm?" Scarlett mumbled though the toothpaste in her mouth.
"What? Spit before you talk princess." I laughed. Scarlet quickly spit and wiped her mouth.
"I said: Justin is Selena home?" Scarlett repeated herself.
"Yeah, she is, but we can't see her yet. She's very sick and doesn't want us to get sick. Pattie is taking care of her. Don't worry, she'll be better soon, it's just the flu." I reassured Scarlett before scooping her up and headed towards my bed. I playfully threw Scarlett onto the bed, making her squeal before I climbed in beside her.
"Want to sleep with me or Jazzy tonight?" I asked her before she got comfortable.
"You please. Jazzy kicks me in her sleep. The bed is too small for 3 kids." Scarlett giggled. When she laughed, I heard Selena's laugh. They were so similar it was crazy.
"It's not the bed is too small, it's just that you littles are growing too quickly." I teased Scarlett before I poked her stomach which made her giggle again.
"Want to watch something before you go to sleep?" I asked her and she quickly nodded enthusiastically.
"Yes please!" I handed Scarlett my laptop which was logged into Netflix. She clicked on an episode of Kim Possible. While she was watching that, I decided to text Selena.

J- You up beautiful?

S- Yes handsome ;) I wish we could cuddle :(

J- I know, I do too! Just focus on getting better okay? Take it easy. I love you Selena.

S- Okay, btw your mom is a fantastic nurse lol. Love you more Justin. :-*

J- That's impossible. Goodnight, hope you have sweet dreams.

S- Sweet dreams to you and Scarlett. Sending ya'll a big hug. Remind her I love her please.

J- Even though she already knows that, I will. Goodnight ly

S- Ly too!

I put my phone away and decided to watch the end of the Kim Possible episode with Scarlett. It was actually pretty funny, Ron was hilarious and so was his little pet.
The credits rolled and I shut the lid.
"Bed time, princess." I said to Scarlett. She nodded sleepily before crawling under the covers and snuggled her monkey.
"Goodnight, princess. Selena and I both love you. Have sweet dreams." I kissed her forehead.
"Goodnight Justy, I love you." Scarlett yawned.
"Can you sing to me?" She sleepily asked. I nodded before climbing under the covers too.
"Pray?" I asked her and she nodded.
"I just can't sleep tonight, knowing that things ain't right."
I started to sing. The further I got through the song, the closer Scarlett nuzzled into my side.
I finished the song, kissed Scarlett's forehead and turned off the light before letting my eyelids close.
Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

•Selena's POV•

I couldn't sleep at all. Pattie had gone back to her bed, so I had the King sized bed all to myself, and it was too empty for me. I missed being in a bed with Justin, having his presence beside me made me feel safe. Being in a bed alone just reminded me of the nights where I was terrified to fall asleep out of fear of my father.
"Stupid flu." I muttered to myself before I groaned into a pillow.
I decided to go onto Netflix since watching TV at night always made me sleepy. Since I've been sleeping all day, my sleeping schedule was off.
After scrolling around I decided to watch Grey's Anatomy then 4 episodes later, I had fallen fast asleep, safe in my slumber.

•Justin's POV•

I woke up from the sun streaming through the blinds. I must have forgotten to close them last night.
Scarlett was still asleep so I carefully climbed out of the bed, wanting to go and check on Selena. Before I went to her room, I grabbed a bandana handkerchief from my suitcase to hold over my mouth so I wouldn't get sick. I really needed to hold Selena.
As I walked down the hall, I tied the handkerchief behind my head so it would cover my mouth.
"Try and stop me now Scooter." I laughed to myself, knowing now he couldn't yell at me for being near Selena.
Since it was still pretty early, I quietly entered the hotel room.
I found Selena fast asleep with her laptop on her lap. She must have fallen asleep watching Netflix.
I carefully crawled into bed beside her, happy to have her in my arms again.
Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

•Scooter's POV• < poor Justin

I decided to go to the store for some decent food because I was tired of room service since they didn't have much variety. Before I left, I went around to everyone's rooms to ask if they needed anything. No one did, but I'm guessing they only said that just to get rid of me so they could go back to sleep.
I made it down to Pattie's room and slowly entered. As I walked in, I noticed a very familiar pair of bright purple Supras laying by the door.
"Justin..." I sighed, knowing he was in here. I walked into Selena's temporary room to find them asleep. Out of annoyance, I decided to wake Justin up by flicking him in the ear.
"Ow!" He instantly woke up and rubbed his ear.
"Good! You're awake." I sarcastically said to Justin.
"Yeah, and I'd like to go back to sleep." Justin grumbled, pulling the covers over himself. I yanked them back down.
"What the hell, Justin?! I told you to stay away from Selena so you wouldn't get sick!" I hissed at him, trying not to wake Selena up.
"I can't get sick if I have a handkerchief over my face." Justin said to me, clearly thinking he was a genius for coming up with that plan.
"Nice try, but we just can't take any chances. Get out." I pointed towards the door, desperate to make Justin leave. If he got sick, we could basically kiss the Madison Square Garden show good bye.
"What's going on?" Selena mumbled as she woke up. She rubbed her eyes before realizing she wasn't in the bed by herself.
"Justin! Get out! You can't get sick!" She tried to push him away but he only held onto her tighter.
"I'm wearing a handkerchief over my face. I can't get sick." Justin mumbled, half asleep and disobeying both Selena and me.
"Get. Out!" Selena was determined to make Justin leave. I was starting to like this girl, she knew what the right thing to do was.
"Justin, get out or else I'm going to get Kenny in here and he will drag you out." I warned him.
"I'm not scared of Kenny." Justin laughed, knowing he couldn't be defeated.
"I'll throw water on you." Selena informed her boyfriend. That got his attention pretty quickly.
"Okay! I'm up!" Justin literally jumped out of bed, full of energy.
"Wash your hands and take that bandana off, then get to rehearsals now! No more disobeying me." I said with an annoyed tone. Justin sulked out of the room.
"Bye, Sel! Love you." Justin yelled as he left.
"Bye, Justin! Love you more." Selena yelled after him.
"That's impossible!" Justin informed her. They were so cute. Selena must truly mean something to him because I've never seen him be this happy before.
"Bye, Selena. Take it easy today. Hope you feel better soon." I waved to Selena before I left to hurry Justin off to rehearsals.
"Bye, Scooter!" She cheerfully called after me.

Goodnight lovelies! PLEASE COMMENT SOME FEEDBACK/SUGGESTIONS BECAUSE ID LOVE TO HEAR IT! And you'd be pretty awesome if you hit that vote button ;) thank you for reading!!!!
-xoxo Mel

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