Chapter 12

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I'm feeling generous so I decided to post another chapter!

I have too much time on my hands to be writing all this. I wrote it last Summer though. Lol

Justin's POV

"So will you meet my family tomorrow?" Selena asked me.

"Selena. I just made you sit with mine for 3 hours. I think it's fair that I meet yours." I laughed and drove back to the hotel.

By the time I pulled into the back lot, Selena was fast asleep.

"Sel. Wake up. We're at the hotel."

"Carry me please." Selena said with the puppy dog pout.

"Anything for my girl."

I came around to her side of the truck and opened the door. I undid her seatbelt and guided her to get on my back. I kicked the door shut with my foot as I walked to the back door of the hotel. Even though everyone on my crew knew about Selena, there was still the paparazzi we had to avoid. I went up the service elevator instead of the stairs. I could feel Selena's limp head over my shoulder. Her soft snores filled my ear. When we got to our room, I gently put her on her back on the bed. I peeled off her knee high boots and her socks to reveal neon pink toenails.

"Selena. Is it alright if I change you?"

"Yeah. Theres a cami under my shirt." She said sleepily.

I started to peel off her skin tight jeans. I avoided looking up as I slid her PJ shorts on. Then I tugged at the hem of her shirt until she raised her arms so I could pull it off. I pulled one of my clean hoodies on her. Then I picked her up bridal style and tucked her in and kissed her baby soft lips.

"Goodnight princess. I love you."

I climbed into bed after I quickly changed. I was too tired to shower and I didn't want to wake up Selena.

Selena's POV

I woke up the next morning in Justin's arms. I couldn't wait to introduce Justin to Scarlett and Demi. I opened a new text to Demi.

Selena: Want to meet him?

Less then a second later her reply came.

Demi: YES!!!!!!! :-D

I was nervous because I didn't tell her it was THE Justin Bieber. I hoped she wouldn't think I was just in it for the money.

I slid out of Justin's arms without waking him up. I got dressed in my clothes from last night. After I finished my morning routine in the bathroom, I did my makeup and just left my hair natural because the curls stayed in pretty well.

I stepped out of the hotel room and into the hall to call Demi without waking up Justin.

"Hey Demz. Want to meet him?"

"Selena. Of course I want to meet him! Are you alright with Scarlett meeting him too?"

"Yeah. It's time. How about we all meet at Boston Pizza for lunch? My treat."

"Sure. Ill get Scarlett dressed. See you in a few hours."

I hung up and went to wake Justin up. I kissed his lips until he opened his eyes.

"Good morning beautiful." He said.

"Good morning handsome." I said.

"We're meeting my sister and my best friend in 2 hours for lunch." I told him. "Sounds fun. Hey. I know what we could do until then. Scooter told me last night that my tour bus is all ready. Want to go check it out? It's going to be our home for the next few months. You're coming on the tour right?"

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