Chapter 38

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Justin's POV•

"Yo Scrappy cut the music!" I yelled as I ripped my in ear out. I ran down the runway towards Selena and Fredo.
"Babe? What's wrong?" I asked Selena. She looked like she had seen a ghost.
"I dokt know what I said man. All I said was there's a guy outside asking for you. He's Mexican, short build, dark hair, your average guy." As soon as Fredo said those words I knew why Selena was scared. Fredo had just described her father.
"Sel, why don't you go backstage and hang out there? I think there's something my mom needed help with." I told Selena and she nodded. I pulled her up onto the stage since there was a shortcut to the dressing rooms behind one of the video screens. Selena threw herself into my arms in a hug and I kissed her forehead.
"Don't come out until I come and get you okay?" I whispered in her ear and she nodded before running backstage.
Fredo shot me a weird look and I mouthed "later" to him.
"Hey Scoot! Fredo said someone's waiting outside for us. Can you go check that out?" I called to Scooter through the mic and he nodded.
"Oh, and take Kenny with you. Just in case you get mobbed by fans." I made up a lame excuse and tried to laugh it off. I knew Selena's father was violent so I wasn't taking any risks.
"Sure. C'mon Kenny." Scooter and Kenny hurried towards the arena door.
"JB what's going on?" Fredo asked me and I pretended I didn't hear him before I walked back down the runway towards the other dancers.
We tried to go over the choreography again but I couldn't focus. I didn't take my eyes off the door Scooter and Kenny would come through. If it really was Selena's father then these next few moments would be hell.
About 5 minutes later, Scooter and Kenny strolled into the arena carrying a bunch of boxes and I sighed with relief.
"Hey guys! More merch!" Scooter exclaimed and everyone cheered.
"That's who was outside?" I asked and Scooter shot me a weird look before confirming. I breathed a sigh of relief. Fredo really needed to include all of the details next time he reported something. "Hey there's a delivery man outside" would've been a much better choice of words. 
"Hey I'll be right back. I have to use the restroom." I made an excuse and Scooter nodded as he ripped the merch box open and looked inside. Before I went backstage I took off my headset and in ears before handing them to Scrappy. I hurried backstage to tell Selena the great news.

Selena's POV•

As I waited backstage, I clutched my stomach in nausea. I was so scared that my father had found me. Pattie was chatting to me about a new TV show she discovered and I nodded every few sentences to pretend that I was listening but all I could think about was who was outside.
I heard a knock on the door and turned  to find Justin. He slightly shook his head and mouthed "it wasn't him" and I released a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.
"Mom? Can I speak to Selena in private for a minute?" I asked my mom and she stood and left the room.
I sat down on the couch beside Selena where my mom had been moments ago and Selena immediately threw herself at me in a hug and cried into my shoulder.
"Justin I was so scared. I thought it was him. I thought I'd be taken from you." Selena sobbed and I tried to calm her down. It took a moment to sink in what she actually said and I pulled back.
"Wait, he could do that? Take you away? Back to Atlanta?" I asked and Selena nodded.
"Technically until I'm 18 he's still my legal guardian. Whatever he says goes." Selena muttered.
"When's your birthday?" I asked her and she replied by saying "July 22."
"That's two after before the tour starts. In like 3 weeks." I said and Selena nodded.

Selena's POV•

I looked up to Justin's face and sniffled.
"Jay, what if I am forced to go and live with him again? I think the fear will kill me." I said sadly and Justin pulled me closer.
"I'm gonna do everything in my power to keep you here. I promise. I love you Selena." He kissed my forehead but I pulled away from the hug to connect our lips.
"Sel, I think we need to tell my mom and Scooter what's going on, incase something does happen. Fredo should probably know too." Justin said solemnly.
"When do you want to tell them?" I asked before I snuggled back into Justin's arms. I felt so safe there.
"Today? Maybe after rehearsals?" He offered and I nodded.
Justin pulled out his phone and made a group chat with me, his mom and Scooter.
"Hey, Selena and I have something you guys should know. Don't worry, we're not pregnant or anything. Anyway, can we meet on stage after everyone's in bed? This needs to remain private. Thx -J"

Justin sent the message then kissed my forehead.
"Don't worry. We'll get through this. I gotta get back to rehearsals. Are you gonna be okay?" Justin asked and I nodded.
"I think Fredo still wants to have pizza with you. Why don't you guys camp out front row and watch rehearsals?" My expression lit up at the mention of pizza and Justin laughed before he took my hand and we headed towards the stage.

Selena's POV•

I wandered back to the front row and found Fredo sitting and waiting for me with the pizza boxes beside him.
"You okay?" Fredo asked me and I nodded before sitting down and hugging him.

"Thank you for being there for me. You'll never know how much I appreciate it." I pulled away and then grabbed a slice of veggie pizza from the box.
"Of course. I'll always be there for you Sel." Fredo said sweetly.
I casually looked around to see who was sitting near us. Pattie and Mama Jan were a couple rows back so I  spoke in Spanish so only Fredo could understand me. "Pueden Justin y yo reunirse con usted en privado esta noche? Hay algo que necesito que usted sepa." (Can Justin and I meet with you privately tonight? There's something I need you to know)

"Seguro" (Sure.) Fredo nodded before he gave my question a second thought.
"Esperar, no estás embarazada es usted?" (Wait, you're not pregnant are you?)
"Fredo!" I gasped before I playfully slapped his shoulder and blushed a deep red.
"No, I'm not. We haven't gone that far yet. Get your head out of the gutter bro." I whispered, not bothering with Spanish. Fredo held his hands up innocently and shrugged.
"Just checking." I hid my face in my hands, totally embarrassed.

later that night

Justin's POV•

Selena and I camped out on the couch while we waited until everyone was in bed. It took about 5 movies for Fredo to get tired enough to go to bed.
"Night bro. Night sis." He muttered before wandering out of our hotel room, half asleep. Selena turned to me in surprise.
"Did he just call me sis?" She laughed, clearly touched.
"Yeah, I think did. You know, since he and I are basically brothers when we get married you'll be his sister in law." I said and Selena laughed.
"Who said we're getting married?" She cheekily said as she nudged my shoulder with hers.
"I did." I smoothly said before leaning forward and kissing my girlfriend. Selena grabbed my shirt and pulled me down on top of her. I put a hand on either side of her head as she wrapped her long legs around my waist. The kiss got deeper and deeper. Selena tangled her hands in my hair. Just as things were about to get carried away, my phone ran from where it was on the kitchen counter. I went over to the kitchen and answered it.
"Hello?" I croaked, not looking at who was calling.
"You coming bro? It's getting late." I heard Scooter ask and I looked at Sel.
"Yeah man, be there in two seconds." I said before hanging up.
"You ready?" I asked Selena and she nodded, knowing exactly what the phone call was about. I reached for her hand and she got up and laced her fingers with mine before we quietly left our hotel room.

Selena's POV•

To say I was nervous was an understatement. I was completely terrified to admit my past to new people. The only people who knew about my past were Demi and Justin, and even telling them was hard. Demi knew since I basically grew up with her and Justin knew because he met me when I was running away. Although I had grown to love Scooter and Pattie as family, I was nervous to open up to them and show a vulnerable side.
With each step that we took towards the arena, I clutched Justin's hand a little more. He looked down at me and kissed my forehead.
"Don't worry babe. You can trust them." He whispered and I nodded.
We entered the arena and soon made it to the stage. Since it was late, the tech crew had only left the dim lights on so it was really cozy and soothing in the main part of the arena. Pattie and Scooter were already on stage, and we walked up to them. We greeted each other with hugs and then sat down cross legged in a circle.

Author's note
Sorry for the cliffhanger but I really want the reveal to be in new chapter since this one was getting long.
Ayyyy I've updated 4 times this month! That's really good for me! I really feel as if this story is picking up the pace and I'm so excited to share with you guys what I have planned.
Please keep commenting because it makes me so happy to know you guys can relate to a certain part in the story or loved something so much it made you laugh or swoon.

Till next time!

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