Chapter 21

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Whoop, whoop! Another chapter!!!

Enjoy :)

"What are you going here? I thought the crew was ordering pizza." I found Ryan sitting on my bed, staring at his phone.

"They haven't decided yet." He muttered, lost in thought. I walked over and saw him staring at a picture of Demi and himself. Demi was wearing Ray Ban sunglasses while pouting her lips and showing a peace sign. Ryan, also wearing sunglasses had his arm hung around her neck while he stuck out his tongue. They must have taken it at Darien Lake. I could really tell he missed Demi. I sat down on my bed then flopped down onto my back.

Ryan flopped down beside me and sighed.

"How are we going to survive without our girls for god knows how long? Who knows when they'll be back." I complained. Ryan just groaned in response.

"I don't know, but I don't want to think about it. Demi looked so hurt, and I'm the first person who should be there to protect her and I can't." Ryan complained to me.

"Knock, knock, knock." I heard Mom cheerfully say as she walked in my room.

"Oh." Her expression quickly changed once she found us on the bed.

"Mommy, we miss our girlfriends already." I whined, acting like a two year old.

"Oh, poor babies." Mom soothed us. "C'mon, we're going out for dinner. It'll make you boys feel better." Mom walked out of our room. I groaned and rolled onto my side, not wanting to get up. I took my phone out and took a selfie of myself looking sad. Before I posted it on Instagram, I captioned it:

With you is where I'd rather be

but we're stuck where we are and this long distance is killing me.

Then I tweeted a simple

I miss you :'(

It was times like this that I wished Selena had social media.

Ryan and I went downstairs to the parking garage. Scooter had rented a few black vans with tinted windows so we could go to the restaurant without being noticed by paparazzi. I jumped into a random one and didn't mind who I ended up with. Fredo was driving and Ryan was in the passenger seat. Jazzy was beside me in her car seat and Jaxon was in the back.

"Bieber!!!" Jazzy squealed when she saw me. I leaned over and kissed her cheek. She giggled in response.

The van slowly inched out of the garage with swarms of paparazzi. Thank god the vans had tinted windows so they couldn't tell who's where. Kenny and Moshe guided the black vehicles out by holding their arms out and walking along them. As soon as we hit the streets, they jumped into one of the vans.

Selena's POV

The flight was long and tiring. I was stuck in front of a kid who kicked the seat repeatedly. The parents should really consider making him become a drummer.

As each minute passed, I missed Justin and Scarlett even more.

Demi and I got off the plane and collected our bags then jumped into a taxi outside. Demi gave the cab driver the name of a grocery store and I shot her a questioning look. "I want to stock up the fridge and make sure they have a good meal." She whispered to me.

Once we got to the store, Demi convinced the cab driver to wait for us. We hurried inside and grabbed a cart.

I followed Demi around like a lost puppy as she collected food.

We were walking past the aisles when something at the end of an aisle caught my eye.

A red and black plaid jacket and steel toed boots. I instantly felt my blood run cold, and my heart lurch into my throat.

"D-d-d-Demi." I hissed at her. She turned from looking at chips and shock flooded her face.

"What the hell is he doing in Texas?!" Demi whispered.

"I don't know, but we have to get out of here." Tears threatened to spill. Before I registered what I was doing, my feet carried me to the bathroom and I emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet as tears burned down my face. Why was my father in Texas?

"Justin, I really need you right now." I cried out.

Question time!!!

1) Anyone you miss right now?

Me: a lot of people :-/

2) Favorite restaurant?

Me: changes all the time but I LOVE Harvey's and Chipotle <3

3) What makes you feel better when you're sick?

Me: cozy pj's, soup and a movie marathon :)

4) Feedback? Feel free to suggest anything ;)

JonnicaaHill and I are working on a collab fanfic so stay tuned for updates!

Go check out her current fanfics, they're the bomb dot com ;) <3

Fingers crossed I can write a bit more before exam prep starts. School is beginning to get really busy.

Till next time fanfic addicts! LOL


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