Chapter 3

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Y/n's pov

       The light was shining on my face which caused me to wake up from my peaceful sleep. I tried it looked over the side to see the curtains opened, how many damn times do I have to tell him to close the curtains. I looked over at Saitama to see he was still knocked out sleep. I felt the feeling in my bladder signaling I have to pee. I grabbed Saitama's arm that was over my stomach and tossed it on to his stomach. I dragged my self out of bed and began stumbling to the bathroom. As I was using the wall as support my hand accidentally knocked off the calendar. I started grinning in annoyance as I bent down to pick up the calendar. My eyes immediately went to the red circle that was on the calendar. My eyes shot wide open as I felt heart stop midbeat.

Dad visits❤︎

        I released a blood curling scream before I running straight into the kitchen. I slammed open the fridge with so much force the door almost came off.

      "WHAT IS IT, IS IT THOSE ANIMALS AGAIN", Saitama asked as he ran into the kitchen. I just kept on digging in the fridge.  "DAD VISITS", I shouted as I desperately searched for food. Saitama sighed as he  went into the bathroom to get the toothbrush, then leaned against the wall near the kitchen. "Mr. Joseph's coming, what's the fuss about", he asked. "No! You idiot my dad, Jotaro", I repeated. Saitama looked at me with the toothbrush hanging out of his mouth. Once my words finally reached his brain the tooth brush fell out of his mouth.

     "W-WHAT ARE WE EATING", he asked ."WE MISSED THE SALE, SO THERE'S NO FOOD", I shouted. "Crap crap, you fly to the store and I'll go to the cloth store", Saitama said frantically as he ran up and down the halls. He needed to go the store to get some "normal" looking cloth for himself. I ran into my room to get my clothes on. Once I was done he came into my room, he had a scared look on his face.

     "Where's my suit", he asked. "In the washer", I replied a I threw him a spare one. "I have a spare",he questioned I just nodded my head. "Yes, now we need to go", I fussed. Saitama kissed my cheek then rushed to the door. He grabbed the door handle then faced me, he gave me a big smile. "I love you so much, I'll see you later", he exclaimed as he opened the door and left. I held my cheek as I stared at the front door. I felt my face heat up causing me to make an annoyed look.

     "We've been married for years y/n, I shouldn't get this flustered anymore"

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