Chapter 4

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Y/n's pov

         I finally arrived at the grocery store. I ran up and down the aisle grabbing any type of food. I even grabbed a pack of oreos on accident. I paid for my stuff then flew home fast with a bunch of groceries in hand. Thankfully I was physically fit so it wasn't too hard to hold the bags. It was an annoyance though.

I arrived at the apartment at the same time Saitama did. I landed on the ground with a skid. I rushed to open the door.

"Good you're here", I said as I fumbled to get the door opened. I was able to open the door and flew straight in with Saitama behind me. I placed the bags of food on the table and rushed to sort them out. I stopped when I noticed what Saitama was holding. He was holding another version of his hero suit only it had like a tie on it.

"Saitama, what is that", I asked. "I got them to add a tie", he boasted. I told him to buy somewhat nice clothes, not add something to his suit.

"Just forget about it, help set the table", I said then went back to getting the food ready. As he set the table I got straight into cooking. The only stuff I could make were Rice balls and grilled chicken skewers.

Once they were done cooking I hardily placed them on the table where each of us we're going to sit. Just as I finished placing everything down the door bell ranged. I looked to see Saitama had his outfit on and gave mea thumbs up. I smiled weakly at him then headed for the door. I opened the door for my father. The one and only Jotaro Kujo.

"Took you long enough", he complained I just smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. "Welcome", I exclaimed then broke the hug and rushed back inside with him behind me. I saw my father walk in, but then stopped when he saw Saitama, oh shit.

"What's with the suit", he asked. "It's my hero suit", Saitama replied with a smile. My father looked at me causing me to look away. "Let's sit down", I chuckled then took my seat. Saitama took his place next to me. My father sat down in front of us. My father looked down at the food then used a chopstick to pick up one of the grilled chicken He took a bite out of it then began to chew.

"You cook just like your grandmother", he stated. "I try to, you can't cook after all dad", I joked. "Hmph", he fumed as he kept eating. He liked the food good one thing to worry less about.

"So, Saitama what do you work as", my father asked while looking at Saitama from under his hat.


"I fight bad guys, I helped a lot of people", Saitama boasted. "Do you get paid", my father asked. "Well um no, but I saved many people", Saitama stated. My father looked around at our small apartment.

"Y/n, what do you work as", he asked. "I usually sell stuff online, you know how I am", I replied. "So what you two are saying is that you don't have no source of income", he said. Saitama and I went quiet as we tried to figure out what to say.

"Y/n, you told me you had a job", my father said. "I said we're planning to get one, just not at the moment", I corrected. "You can easily work for Speedwagon foundation to help fight enemy stand users", my father said. "Like I said I don't want to I have a life here", I stated. "I can help if you want", Saitama said causing me to kick him from under the table.

"You wouldn't be fit for the job",My father replied then looked back at me. "I heard a lot about this part of the city, it's not safe", my father fussed. "Father, I appreciate you concern, but it is completely safe", I stated.

As soon as I said that Genos came bursting through the wall of the kitchen and landed on the wall not too far from the table. We looked to see he was beaten up badly.

"As I was saying", my father said, but Ignored him and rushed to Genos side. "What happened", I asked. He tried to say something, but ended up short circuiting and passed out. Suddenly I felt something wrap around me, it was long and slimy. It pulled me out of my apartment straight outside. It was a huge frog mutant and a bunch of little frog mutants

"FOUND YA", the monster shouted as it held me in the air with its tongue. My father and father soon came out soon after.

"Do we know you", Saitama shouted. "KNOW ME? YOU DON'T REMEMBER", the frog king asked enraged. "Nomwe really don't", I said still in his grip. "YOU DESTROYED MY HOM", the frog king shirked. Oh that place with the mutant animals.

"NO MATTER I WILL BE YOUR LAST THOUGHT", he shouted before swinging me in the air and towards his mouth. "Y/N", Saitama shouted as he rushed at the monster. It was too late I was already in the mouth of the frog king. I was about to summon my stand to freeze the monster from the inside, but stopped when I saw the Frog King's mouth opened slightly and Saitama slipped in. He crashed into me causing us to tumbled backward into the Frog King's stomach.

"SAI! Why did you come in", I shouted as we thrashed around in the stomach mucus. "Did not think this through", he chuckled. I smacked him hard on his bald held causing him to groan in pain.

"OI! YOU KNOW THAT PART IS SENSITIVE", he fussed. I was about to say something, but felt my body slip causing me to slump down and Saitama to fall on top of me. He used his arms to cave me to stop himself from falling on top me. His legs had to go between mines; which left us in a weird position. I let out annoyed groan and looked up to see saitama smiling.


"We should remember this position for later"

"If you don't get us out of here, I will drown you in this frog's stomach acid"

He let out a laugh before slowly standing up. He turned slightly and punched the frog's stomach wall making a huge hole. I got up and grabbed him before flying out of the Frog King before he fell fact first. We few straight into the air, but not too far from where my father was. The frog king coughed up blood then crashed on to the ground.

"I got that shit in my hair", I huffed as we lowered to the ground. My dad already took care of the smaller frog minions already. He made a face when he saw we were covered head to to in frog mucus.

"You smell like the old man", he said as he walked toward Saitama. Saitama stood straight up and stared at my father who stared back at him. My father then fixed his hat.

"Saitama, get a job", my father said causing Saitama to nod his head. "See you next month", My father said to me. I smiled big as I walked towards him and pulled him into a hug. My father refused to hug me back because of the mucus.

"Take care dad", I said before releasing him. My father tipped his hat towards us then walked off towards the airport. Saitama ad I watched as he did.

"What was that stare about", Saitama asked. "He was basically saying thank you", I answered. Saitama blinked slowly for a moment then shot straight up.

"GENOS", he shouted then rushed back inside. Crap, we forgot about him! I soon began running after him into our demolished apartment.

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