Chapter 5

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Y/n's pov

         I held the sketchbook in my hands, staring at the hardcover book. The sketchbook belong to my best friend Darius, today was the day of his death.

        "Y/n", Saitama called causing me to look back at him. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you", I said. He sat up in the bed and scooted towards my side so he was sitting next to me. He wrapped an arm around my side and rest his head against mines.

        "Can I see the drawings again", he asked. "Yeah", I replied sitting there for a few seconds then opened the book. One the first page was a sketch of Darius' hometown and some of his family members. The next page was a drawing of some landmarks. After that one was a page of me training Full Elemental.

        "Wait you use to wear lots", he asked. " All the time, much easier and lighter", I chuckled. "why not go bald like me", he asked. "Uh one I love my hair, two you're the only one who can rock the bald head", I giggled. "I rock it" he chuckled rubbing his head causing me to playfully shove an arm into his side. I flipped to the next page to see a sketching of full metal. I went to flip to the next page, but stopped and closed the book.

         "It wasn't your fault you know", Saitama mumbled. "I know, but I could've prevented it", I replied. "I should've known he would go after him, I was stupid", I fussed. "You are not stupid, Y/n don't say that about yourself, you did all you could at the time", Saitama stated.

𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕡 - 𝟝 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕘𝕠, 𝕒𝕘𝕖: 𝟙𝟡

         "Darius come on", I fussed crossing my arms as I leaned against the brick wall. "Hold on, almost done", he exclaimed as he drew the landmark in front of him. Once he was done he closed the book and rushed back over towards me. Once he got closer I began walking.

          "I don't get why you have to draw everything we see", I sighed. "Because drawings always have a story behind them teach", he answered. "We're the same age no need calling me that", I fussed. "Anyway why are we Egypt", he asked. "Dad said there were rumors about sone some stand users", I answered. If this was an anime his eyes would be huge and filled with bunch of stars.

           "Are we recruiting them", he exclaimed. "No, killing or scaring them, you know the usual", I answered waving my hand in the air. His whole demeanor changed after I said that. "Wouldn't it be best to recruit them", he asked. "Recruit users who use to worship Dio, yeah hell no", I replied. "Maybe they wan redemption you kn-Darius, how many times do I have to tell you, they're way beyond redemption", I stated. "If they want to redeem themselves so much they should just die and be reborn again plain and simple", I added. "You read too much dark shit", He fussed. "Supernatural isn't dark shit, just keeps us informed now let's pick up the pace, my hairs frizzing up", I replied.

          "Anyway where are those stand users you mentioned", he asked. "Got them already", I answered. "WHAT, you promised I could fight them", he fussed. "I did, but then you slept in and they came after me so I ended it right then and there", I explained. "Another excuse, you don't think I'm strong enough", he asked. "What no", I replied. "I think you are, you rarely let me fight any", he fussed. "Darius, you don't go looking for fights, you wait for them", I stated. "I know I know", he sighed rolling his eyes.

           "Don't roll your eyes at me", I snapped. "Or what Ma, you gonna whoop me", he snapped. "Darius look, I know you want to fight okay, but these users are on a whole another level", I explained. "So you don't think I'm strong enough", he asked. "No you are strong, it's just you need more training", I explained. "Fine then I'll just go back to then motel then", he snapped turning around and walking away. "Come on we're going after another user", I shouted. "No you fight them, since you think I ain't ready", he snapped. I went to shout again, but decided not to.

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