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5:38 PM

"I just don't get it why you hate him so much" Byulyi rested her head on her friends pillow softly playing Hyejin's ukulele.

"Ooh but that's because it's a love-hate relationship" Hyejin giggled.

"That's not it!" Wheein muttered through her pillow as she fell on her bed face first.

"Hyejin-ah, weren't you shipping her with someone else already?"

"Yeah, but I still think Taehyung suits her better" she giggled

"Why don't you just ship unnie with someone?"

"Because Byul-unnie doesn't have this fun reactions!"

"Hey" Byulyi pouted

"Besides I just want the best for my pup!" Hyejin came closer to her as they all laid and rested on Wheein's bed.

"Then that's NOT Kim Taehyung!"

"He's quite nice, really" Byulyi added too, recalling the few times she'd spoken to the boy.

"Then would you prefer Kim Namjoon?"

"Definitely!" She instantly replied

"Woah, Namjoon-ah?" Byulyi pondered for a minute "yeah, I could see that happening" pursing her lips in approval, she nodded her head.

"But Taehy-" "Nope"

The facts were these;

At the age of 11 years, 4 months, 51 minutes and 47 seconds, Jung Wheein would swear to never forgive said boy.

What was her reasoning?

He did it on purpose.

That day, the whole class had been preparing for an art contest. The grand prize: a set of 32 color markers. They might've been the cheapest, crappiest markers she'd ever own, but she would've earned it. It was a day she anticipated, bringing her special set of tempera her mother got her.

Why, of all days, did he have to decide to let the class pet free?

All the paintings rested on top of a table as they waited for them to dry. The three best had already been chosen, among them, Wheein's.
The release of the rodent ensued chaos in the room.
Kids running everywhere, some chasing it and others away from it. It was only a matter of time that all of Wheein's beloved paint fell on top of her favorite drawing yet.

"So because he spilled your paint?"

"Not just because of that! we also never saw Mr. Milky Way ever again..." Wheein pouted

It wouldn't be the first time he tried to distress her, usually picking on her with simpler pranks. Upon telling her teacher's about it all they told her was "that's how boys show that they like you". She didn't care though, unlike them, her mother taught her better "just because he likes you doesn't mean they're allowed to mistreat you!"
She looked up to her mother so much, that's why she would never let others bother her and what's worst, bother her very best friend. Lots of kids were always teasing and pranking the poor girl, so Jung Wheein made it her mission in life to always take care of her from those who mistreated her.

She considered herself lucky to have such a great and true friend together for so many years, from elementary till highschool but along with that came her misfortune of having to deal with Kim Taehyung as well. A price to pay in order to stay together with her friend, and she was willing to pay it as long as it was always her.
At least at some point she learnt to simply ignore him, and it seems like he did the same. But what was this now? She could tolerate him being friends with her brother, as long as he didn't meddle where he wasn't needed, guess she didn't mind him. But suddenly appearing, being all friendly like they've been long time friends just rubbed her off on a wrong way.

Long Term FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now