part 7

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Year 1993
Date 5th January
At university

Last three days I kept myself away from that insolent guy. I hope the same way we don't meet today as well. I am all alone today. Veronica managed to woo a guy within two days. And now she is with him. I am left all alone. I was going to my classroom one of my classmates mentioned that our professor didn't come. So I had to roam around alone. Time is not passing. I am wandering around. Suddenly someone poked my head from behind. I turn around and find that the person is harry.
"How dare you to touch me?" I ask in anger
"Well I came here to ask you did you learn all the tactics how to murder like professionals?" He ask with a smirk.
"I already learnt it. Ready to apply it on you"
"Well you are getting angry for no good reason" he adds
"You don't have to tell me what I should do and what I shouldn't" I burst out in anger.
" I think you are suffering from split personality disorder. No matter how many time I look at you, you are always alone. Hahaha" he says.
"The person who suffers from any disorder thinks that others are also suffering from the same" I again burst out in anger.
After this worst conversation with this guy I turned around to leave the place but my scarf which is attached with my bag gets stucks somewhere behind which I cannot see. But I am pretty much sure that loafer is holding my scarf.
" leave my scarf harry" I shout
"I think you should look behind and see what's happening" he adds
I look behind and see my scarf is stucked into a hanging nail I try removing my scarf spontaneously but couldn't remove it because of being impatient. Harry comes forward to help me. And removes my scarf.
" BTW you are welcome " he says
His every sentence makes me angry.
I am about to leave but I accidentally trip over him and he holds me tightly so that I don't fall. We both look at each other. Being lost in some other world. I hurriedly get up from his arm and warn him " don't touch me ever"
"Hey I didn't touch you with my own happiness, you fell on me" he says
I angrily looks at him
"Maybe you don't know how to be grateful" he adds.
I leave the place immediately.

Time 2:00 pm during departure time
I am now leaving. But I remember to collect a book from library. Within five minutes I have to collect the book. Or else the gate of university will be closed. I won't be able to get out from university today. Within a second i run like cheetah without caring what would people think about me. Running few steps I collide with Harry and we both fall over each other. We both are lying on the floor. People around us is watching us and passing comments. We both get up And leave the place together.

I am not in a mood to collect the books. So I decide to go home. Harry comes in front of me
"People are thinking we are seeing each other" he says and laugh
"What?" I ask being shock
"its normal and I don't think we would look bad together" in a flirtatious way
"Shut up" I warn him and leave the place.

I am looking for a cab but I am not able to fine one. Suddenly a car stops. Not to my shock it was harry. Because this guy is not leaving me so easily.
"What do you want?" I ask
"Want lift?" He asks
"No" I reply
"Okay" he adds
And he drives his car splashing mud all over me and leaves.

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