Date : [Fluff]

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Xiao x Fem!reader - College AU}-------------------------------------------------{

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Xiao x Fem!reader - College AU

You were woken up by the alarm you had set on your phone. Usually you don't set alarms, you were rarely late to anything. But today was an exception, since the night before, you had stayed up all night thinking about a certain someone and the date you were going on today.

You rubbed your eyes as you sat up and turned off your alarm. Then you walked to your bathroom and changed into the outfit you had picked out yesterday, it consisted of an oversized white T-shirt tucked into a navy skirt. You had no idea how to pick out an outfit for a date so this would have to do.

As you headed downstairs to make breakfast, you took out your phone and checked the time.

When you realized that you only had 10 minutes to get to the meet up spot you started panicking. "oh no, oh no, I'm going to be late" you internally screamed to yourself as you stuffed everything you needed into a backpack and ran out of your house.

The place you were meeting at wasn't actually that far, it was about a 15 minute walk from your apartment building. But since you had approximately 10 minutes, you were running as fast as you could. When you arrived you could already see Xiao sitting on a bench.

You jogged up to him and sat down on the same bench, gasping for air. "you look tired." he noticed how tired you looked and how the always on time [Y/n], was in fact late by one minute. "I- shut up, you should be glad I even showed up" you muttered, your breathing was still uneasy.

He looked at you, amused as he got up and stood infront of you. As you looked up he offered his hand and helped you get up off the bench.

"where are we going?" you asked as he held your hand and started walking. "where would you like to go?" he replied, looking into your [e/c] eyes.

" about that one cafe at the mall?" you asked as you pointed to the direction of the mall, "why a cafe?" he looked at you curiously.

You glared at him but he just had that same stone cold face he always wore during college and infront of other people, he never really showed emotion. "I didn't eat breakfast and I'm hungry" you said in embarrasment while dropping your head and staring at your feet as you walked.

He blushed slightly at how cute you were being and he looked away from you aswell.

When you guys arrived at the mall, you dragged Xiao to the cafe you were talking about. As you both entered you saw someone familliar at the counter. "[Y/N]! HII!" Venti yelled across the room. you walked up to the counter and gave him a hug.

"Hey Venti, When did you get a job-" you asked pulling away from the hug. "hmm, a year after I graduated, Zhongli's here too!". He pointed at a tall man with dark brown hair that faded into a bright gold. He was serving a table at the time and hadn't noticed you and Xiao entering.

He looked over to the counter and waved at you guys with a smile on his face. You waved back, it had been a while since you saw these two, Venti and Zhongli were your seniors and they had graduated at the end of your second year of college.

"soo [Y/n], why are you and Xiao here~?" Venti teased, you covered the lower half of your face in an attempt to hide your blush.

"We're on a date." Xiao bluntly stated. Venti let out a small laugh at how blunt he was, while you were about to pass out from embarrassment.

In the end you both ordered what you wanted and then left the cafe as you said your goodbyes to Venti and Zhongli.

"It was nice to see the both of them again, it's been so long" you said as you and Xiao continued walking through the mall. Not long after you left the cafe you again ran into one of your classmates.

"Childe.." you thought as you tried to hide behind Xiao in a futile attempt stay out of his view. "HEY! [Y/n] and..emo kid!" Childe said as he jogged up to you and Xiao. "..don't call me that..", In hopes of scaring Childe away Xiao continued glaring at him.

You glanced at him from behind Xiao. You and Childe weren't really what someone would call friends. Childe always teased you, he never meant any harm by it, but you would rather not interact with a nuisance like him.

"I won't bite! calm down geez" Childe chuckled as he raised his arms and hands to the side of his head. "I'm here doing some shopping with Lumine, she never stops-" he sighed.

Xiao rolled his eyes and started walking away from the man, taking you along with him. "GOOD RIDDANCE" you waved goodbye at Childe.

It was already 2:00pm by the time you and Xiao left the mall. And since you had nothing else left to do you went with Xiao, back to his apartment.

When you entered his apartment you immediately layed down on his couch and rested there as he locked the door. "you really don't have manners, even when you're at someone elses house"

you sat up and looked at him, a smirk appeared on your face as you thought of a comeback to his statement. "This is technically my second home I can do whatever I want."

He looked at you in disbelief and rolled his eyes once again. He sat down on the same couch and layed his head on your lap " what you want" he huffed as he closed his eyes.

You giggled and started running your fingers through his raven hair, admiring his green highlights.

Xiao blushed slightly as he mumbled something under his breath. "what was that?" you looked at him curiously. " your outfit, it looks cute on you" he repeated as he turned his face farther away from your view.

You felt butterflies in your stomach after hearing that compliment. He was so cute when he was flustered, it made you smile.

"Thank you Xiao"


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