I'll Wait : [Part II ▪︎ Hurt-Comfort]

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Lovers Oath - Yu-Peng Chen~A/N: Listen to the OST while reading for extra emotion~

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Lovers Oath - Yu-Peng Chen
~A/N: Listen to the OST while reading for extra emotion~




Xiao x GN!reader - Reunion Fluff


Its been three years since he's left.

Lumine would often come over and nag you about moping around all the time but you couldn't help it, there was this deep longing pushed down to the bottom of your heart and you hated the feeling.

Although you kept in contact with him, he was always too busy with studying to have a proper conversation. Every night you would exchange your goodnights and then do the same in the morning over text, but this was soon to become too little for you.

You missed the way he used to place chaste kisses to your forehead before parting ways, the way he would squeeze your hand as a small gesture of affection.

But, he wasn't here to do that anymore.

After two years, the two of you had ultimately drifted apart. Yours and his texts starting to become scarce as time passed, but you weren't sad as you were disappointed. This wasn't unexpected, this is what you get when you try to preserve a long distance relationship.

Often times you would wonder whether he still remembered you, whether he kept his promise and waited. Or if he decided to move on and find love and comfort in someone else, someone that wasn't you.

Silently laying on your bed with your forearm over your eyes, you hadn't noticed your smartphone screen light up until a notification sound followed. Confusion washed over you as you slowly lifted your arm and leaned on your elbows, eyeing the piece of technology on your nightstand

'who would text me at 2am...?'


Xiao wasn't any different, there wasn't a day that passed by where you weren't on his mind. The exact same questions would cross his mind every night, had you really waited? Or had you inevitably forgotten about him.

He sat at his desk, the room was dark and the curtains were closed, blocking any light coming from the windows. The only light in his room being the opened laptop infront of him and the door to his right. Notebooks layed open beside him and some on the wooden tiled floor.

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