I'll Wait. : [Part I - Angst]

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Xiao x GN!reader - Graduation Angst}---------------------------------------------------{

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Xiao x GN!reader - Graduation Angst

Xiao: fourth year
[Y/n]: third year

The hallways of your school were empty, no students in sight. Albeit, it was the end of the day...it wasn't unexpected. "where is that stupid emo..?"

A silence broke out as you slowed down and stood in the middle of the empty hallway. It was almost sunset, surprising since it was mid spring. "it's too quiet.." you mumbled, glancing around your surroundings.

"what'd you expect it's the end of the day."

You squealed and took a few steps forwards before spinning around and eyeing the person who just spoke. His eyes were widened in surprise.

Honestly you were the one who was supposed to be surprised.

"Xiao―don't do that I almost had a heart attack―!", you pouted, reaching you hand up and clutching the fabric of your shirt. He tilted his head and gave you a lopsided smile before taking your hand and leading you the way he came. "sorry."

Normally you would be the one who initiated the small acts of affection, "Xiao...are you sick? did Albedo make you drink some weird chemical?", he grimaced at the last question before glancing over at your curious gaze.

"of course not...is it that weird for me to hold your hand?", he sounded really dense right now, but that was one of the reasons why you loved him. You shook your head, "no, i'm just not used to it~"

A light blush coated his cheeks as he looked away to stare at the other side of the hallway. "get used to it then." he gently squeezed your hand and blushed a little more when you squeezed back.

"by the way, where were you?" you questioned him with a small frown. "I couldn't find you anywhere", for a second his thought process stopped to think of an answer.

"―I was...talking to a friend"

He was still turned away from you but it felt like it would be a bad idea to pry, so you didn't and you just happily accepted his answer.

Xiao didn't seem to be paying much attention to you anymore, his mind was elsewhere.

"when are you going to tell them?" Lumine's arms were knitted together accross her chest, she was mad.

"I will...later." Xiao was sitting on the floor of the rooftop, his face in his hands. "I just need to find the right time."

"Xiao! we graduate in a month! you better tell them before you shatter their poor heart." she yelled before storming off the rooftop.

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