Walk : [Fluff]

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Xiao x GenderNeutral!reader - Roomate AU}-------------------------------------------------------{

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Xiao x GenderNeutral!reader - Roomate AU

"[Y/N]! I'm going out to buy groceries I'll be back in an hour and 30 minutes!" Ganyu yelled as she left your shared apartment. "okay! see you!" you yelled back from your room.

You were to preoccupied with playing videogames to notice that half an hour had passed. You also failed to notice the person who was leaning on your doorframe.






The sound of someone screaming your name made you jump out of your chair and hit your arm on the desk pretty hard. "OW-! Xiao what the heck!?" you said as you turned to face the man leaning on your doorframe.

He just looked at you, displeased. "do you need something?" you pouted as you got up and rubbed the area where you hit your arm. "Where's my sister?" he asked, never moving from his position. "Ganyu? She went to go buy groceries, she'll be back soon, I think".

You sat back down at your desk and put your headphones back on. As you were about to get back to playing your game Xiao took off your headphones and pulled you out of the chair.

You slowly turned your head to look at him, "can I go back to wasting my time, please?" you questioned him with a confused look on your face.

"You should go outside for once" Xiao sighed. You glared at him, "but my days off are the only days I can play videogames!" you crossed your arms and looked away from him.

He sighed as he left your room, "I'm going on a walk-". You cut him off, "you don't need to tell me that" you said as you walked over to close your door.

Until you were pulled out of your room and into the hallway. "what?" you said as you tried to pry his hand off your forearm. "You didn't let me finish, I said; I'm going on a walk and you're coming with me"

You looked at him unwillingly and tried to escape from his grasp but he was too strong.

You'd think since he's only an inch taller than you that he would be more weak, but you were wrong, very wrong.

In the end you were dragged outside into the sunlight. "Are you not hot in those clothes? It's spring." you laughed as you pointed to his black hoodie jacket and tank top. "I'm wearing a tank top of course I'm not hot" he growled at you. You sighed an 'ok-ok' as you both walked to the nearby park.

As you both trekked through the park you noticed a familliar kid trying to get their ball out of a tree. "Is that..Qiqi??" you questioned yourself out loud as you looked at the purple haired infant.

Xiao glaced at you and then looked at the kid in front of you both. "Qiqi" you said as you walked over to her, "[Y/n]..." Qiqi replied as she turned her head to look up at you and then Xiao who was standing right behind you.

"What are you doing? Where's Baizhu?" you asked as you crouched down to speak with her. "Baizhu..? Qiqi is playing with Klee today, but our ball got stuck in the tree so Qiqi's trying to get it back.."

Qiqi pointed at a small red girl in the distance who you assumed was Klee, she then pointed at the tree beside you where you noticed the iconic purple-ish blue and white yin yang ball that she carried around with her at all times.

She was too short to get it, You wanted to help her but you had no idea how to climb a tree. "Xiao..can you get her ball back for her?" you asked as you turned your head to face him. He grimaced at your statement, and quickly replied with a "No".

"Geez..you could at least try to sound a bit nicer, I guess I'll have to try then" You said worriedly as you looked up at the tree infront of you. You sighed, "If I fall I'm blaming you!" you told Xiao as you got ready to scale the tree.

"ah..please be careful [Y/n].." Qiqi said as she watched you struggle to climb up the tree.

Eventually you got to the branch where the ball was stuck and managed to hit it out from in between the branches. Qiqi went to go pick up the ball as you continued to climb up to a safe place on the tree.

You sat on one of the tree branches that was closest to you and stared straight down. "I- was this tree always this high up?" you thought to yourself. "I'm coming down now!" you yelled as you tried to climb down the tree safely. Ultimately you messed up the placing of your feet and slipped.

You squinted your eyes shut as you fell to what you believed was your death but the impact of your body hitting the ground never came. Confused, you slowly opened your eyes and immediately saw Xiao's amber eyes staring right at you. He had caught you before you landed and injured yourself.

"Xiao?!" you yelled as you scrambled out of his arms and landed on the ground and doing exactly what Xiao was trying to prevent.

"Oww- what is with me and always getting hurt when you're around?!" you complained as you got up from the ground and dusted off your shorts.

He looked away from you and let out a quiet snicker, you furrowed your brows at him in response. As you were busy glaring at Xiao you felt a slight tug on your shirt. When you turned around and looked down you saw Qiqi, smiling at you. "Thank you, [Y/n]...!".

Qiqi rarely showed emotion, similar to Xiao. It made you happy when she smiled and thanked you, you couldn't help but smile back at her and pat her head.

Xiao watched as you interact with Qiqi, he unconciously started blushing a little as a smile tugged at the ends of his mouth.

You waved goodbye as Qiqi ran back to Klee, her ball in hand.

"We should get back to the apartment now, Ganyu's probably waiting" Xiao said as he walked infront of you. You nodded and started walking but you stopped as soon as you took one step.

Xiao looked back at you and sighed. "I don't think I can walk back, my legs are killing me―" you whined as you just stood in place, 2 meters away from Xiao.

He walked back to you closing the 2 meter space and then picked you up bridal style. "X-xiao w-what are you doing?!" you stuttured as you tried to fight of the blush that was forcing it's way onto your face.

"carrying you, what else would i be doing?" he said to you never looking down at you once as he continued walking back to your shared apartment.

"This is embarrassing.." you muttered, covering your red face with your hands. "Being carried by your boyfriend can't be that embarrassing" he calmly said as he looked down at your blushing face.


He thought as small smile appeared on his face. Though you were too busy being a flustered mess to notice.


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