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And that's when I knew, I was fucked.

I stared ahead, seeing thirty men with masks on all staring at me. I looked to both my sides, trying to see if there was any way I could get out of here. But there were no possibilities; that was clear.

"Can I let go of your mouth without you screaming?" The man said. He held onto my stomach really tightly and a man stepped forward and he took his mask off and my eyes widened even more.

It was an aging man, with light grey hair going all over the place, a smirk on his face that I knew only too well. I knew he was the best friend of my husband's fathers. He had taken me back to them only weeks ago when I ran away. Now he was here, with these men. Was he undercover? It was General Trendan.

"Can we let your mouth free? We're not here to hurt you. We're here to save you." he said and I stared at him with my eyes wide. It then hit me, I remembered what my husbands and their fathers had once told me; that they had tried to take me as a young kid before. That they had killed the mother of my husbands, Queen Rebecca. I looked into his eyes and I nodded slowly and the man let go of me. I then heard a smash next to me and I turned my head in fear as I felt a rope being put around my hands.

I saw my most trusted ally, one of my closest friends landing on his feet easily. His ginger hair going all over the place and his grey eyes staring back at me. He had betrayed me; he had betrayed his girlfriend and the rest of his men. They were all dead. The images of their bodies all over the ground back at Robertstreet flashed through my mind. Suddenly things did seem to make sense. Him stating that it didn't have to be this way, him apologising, him choosing this route instead of the normal one. Him telling me about the camera's and the blind spots in advance. He was the only one from my security team, along with his girlfriend, that knew about my past. He knew that my real name wasn't Julia, and I'm sure that the highest placing military man knew about this as well.

"What's going on?" I stammered looking back ahead as Trendan put his hand proudly on Evan's shoulder. "What's going on?" I repeated as the rain made my dress cling on my body tighter than I felt comfortable with.

"We're here to take you home." Trendan, whom I now remembered was named John, stated. The way he said it though, it felt like a test. My husbands maybe didn't trust me and wanted to test me. Maybe this was all a mandatory test. Maybe my security team weren't actually dead. Maybe this was all set up for them to test me. At least that's what I was telling myself.

"Home? I am home?" I said confused looking at them.

"Julia, you know that this isn't your home." John said looking at me. "I know that deep down inside you, you know whom you really are. Where you are really from."

"I don't." I said shaking my head, it was the truth. I had no idea whom I was, or had been. "I'm Julia, Queen Julia. I'm married to King William," I thought about his perfect smile "King Hugo," his brown eyes flashed before me, yearning for those judgy brown eyes "and King Trevor." those blonde curls, the curls that I wished the baby in my belly would have. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I said and I realised that they probably did not have any proof. They didn't have the files of my previous life, or they would use my actual name. They wanted me to admit that I was taken, so that they had actual proof. But they didn't have proof unless I told them whom I was, or had any recollection. I did know that I was taken by the Locatlie men, I did know that I was taken to be brought through the Process. But I didn't trust these men. I knew they wouldn't succeed. This would not be my way home; this would not be the way to get back to my parents. Nothing would bring me back to my parents but myself. They would get caught. My husbands by now would probably know that I was taken and were sending out people as we speak to make sure I was safe. These people would all be arrested and locked up. Trevor, as the head of security, would torture them for the rest of his life for taking his wife and frightening her.

Locatlie: The Revelation. (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now