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Jason Davids was looking me straight in my eyes and I right away knew that he was testing me with telling me this. Luckily, I had my poker face on, I was acting as the Queen of Locatlie, the Godess of Seglusa. I didn't budge as he told me that, but my heart was racing out of my chest.

"O yes I heard about that. After she was taken, my parents were extra cautious with me" I replied with a small smile "What exactly happened?" I asked as I took another bite and I looked at Hugo for a second whom gave me a small smile, although the moment our eyes met, he knew that I was slowly piecing things together. William on the other hand did not have his pokerface on anymore; he was glaring at the president. I looked back at Jason.

"She was taken when she was 10 years old, while walking to school. She was supposed to meet up with one of my other cousins at the corner of our street. We all lived in the same street." He explained. This made so much sense. The fact that I always got this chill in my body whenever I would hear about Brad or Ana, the cold chill I felt when Jason kissed my hand. The Jefferson's were one of the most powerful and influential families in the world at the moment.

"Did you ever manage to find out any information about the disappearance of your cousin?" I asked and he stared at me for a second "And how did the fame help?" I further asked as I took another bite of my food.

"When Willow was taken." he replied staring me right into my eyes, my whole body freezing right now as that name; it felt like I wasn't supposed to hear that name. "Our parents had a collective following of about a billion people on social media. So, we had a lot of people looking for her. Her father, Brad, also donated millions of dollars to the police to help them find their daughter."

"And did they ever find her?" I said giving him a certain look and Trevor was looking at Jason with the same angry look as William, which annoyed me.

"About a year ago we got a tip about a cult in Nevada and we found some samples of bones, and her hair there." He explained and that's when my heart was racing a thousand beats per second; Lucas had told me that this was what happened to me. This was what they had left for my family. "We buried her about a year ago" He explained. "Well, the remainders of what we have. People all around the world seem to think you're Willow Jefferson though" He then said as he took a sip of wine. Damn this guy had balls and I suddenly understood why the Unites States wanted him as president; but I didn't understand why on earth my husbands wanted him as president. Especially if they knew they were going to choose me. But then again, they didn't choose me, because of the fact that I was a high profile taking. Every piece of the puzzle was now fitted. I could tell Jason right now that I was Willow, and he could arrest my husbands. But I wasn't sure they would believe me and I had no proof. Right now, was not the time once again.

"I've had that all my life actually." I replied casually taking a sip of my drink. "The moment that Willow was taken, loads of police came by my parents house because several tourists whom didn't know our family, thought that I was Willow." I said taking a sip of my drink again. I had thought of this and I looked at William now; I'm sure that he would've thought of this, foreseen this, and made sure that the president somehow would not mention this. That's why he was glaring at the guy right now. "Although I'm sure that my husband's told you that in your briefing." I said looking at Hugo and Hugo looked at me shocked.

"We did. We expressed to the President how much it hurts you that you're compared to his cousin, as you feel so bad for her family." Hugo replied calmly looking at me and I was giving him this look of 'get ready for the biggest fight of your fucking life time at home' and he gave me a small nod.

"I am very sorry." Maci then stammered as I looked at her now, she looked absolutely petrified as she saw my three husbands all glaring at Jason now. "My husband, forgive him, he and Willow were immensely close. They had a very special bond and he for one second wanted to test the theory out." She said and I looked at Jason and Jason stared back at me, still giving me this searching look; waiting for me to drop this façade I was holding up.

Locatlie: The Revelation. (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now