Chapter 21

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Trevor P.O.V

"Left in the split, don't forget babe." I said and she giggled as I gave her a kiss and I then snowboarded down the path. This red path was insane, I went left, because on the right was the black path. They both led to the café and the main lift back down to the city, but the black path, especially in the afternoons, was a steep rocky mess. It was immensely dangerous. I finished the slope and arrived at the pub where I saw about twenty security men taking off their skis. I saw my brothers and they smiled as I stopped and I turned my head, expecting our wife to follow.

"Where is our wife?" William said.

"O MY GOD" I heard people scream all at the same time, pointing behind us. I turned my head and my heart stopped as we saw someone sliding down the black path, but not on purpose and without the ski's. The person went immensely fast and that person then landed in the nets at the bottom; about 300 meters away from us.

"No." I heard Hugo state and I looked at him for a second and he then pointed to the slope and I saw 20 men and women skiing down the black path and I then looked sideways at the nets as we suddenly heard a scream coming from the core and I recognised that scream right away; our wife.

"Fuck" I yelled and I threw my snowboard to the side, and as I was wearing snowboots, it was easier for me to run and I ran up towards the nets, other people arriving as well and I saw someone from the café probably calling up the helicopter.

"Is there a doctor?" I heard people yell.

"I am." I said in my king voice and everyone shut up, as I pushed people away. I arrived at the front and I saw someone else sitting by our wife. Our wife was wearing a full white suit, or what was supposed to be a white suit. But her leg was basically snapped in half, and there was blood coming from her face and tears as well.

"Move." I snapped at the person. "Babe" I said and she was full on sobbing; which meant that she was still alive, which was most important. I sat on my knees as behind me I heard people being shoo'd away by security. "I'm carefully going to take off your helmet ok?"

"Someone side." she screamed in pain and she was full on sobbing now. "My arms." She said and I looked at her arms and they seemed broken as well. I carefully took her helmet off as Hugo and William arrived now as well, with their darned ski shoes.

"I'm going to carefully move you away from the net ok love?" I asked. "It is going to hurt a bit, but I have to, to inspect you ok?" I said and she was crying, her face white, with red spots all over them, ignoring the blood.

"Will." She said through her sobs and I nodded at that.

"Will and Hugo are here, but they can't reach you. Here you go, hold onto my leg, if you can." I said as I placed her hand on my leg and she held onto me tightly. "Good, that means that your arms aren't entirely broken." I then picked her up and carefully placed her on Will's jacket that was laying here now. I placed her carefully on the jacket and Will sat on her other side.

"I'm here love." Will said and she was full on shaking. "It's going to be ok. A Helicopter will come any minute now." he said as I opened up her jacket now and afterwards I could actually take off her helmet and I saw that her nose was broken and covered in blood and she had lost one tooth.

"Babe. Look at me." I said and she had her eyes closed "I need to see your eyes ok. Look at me." I said as she opened it and the pain in her eyes, it was heartbreaking. "Follow my finger ok? Hugo take off her shoes very carefully" I said and he nodded as she followed my eyes but she closed them after a while as it hurt.

"I want my mommy." She said in pain and I took a deep steady breath.

"Your mommy can't be here. She died remember?" Will said as people were listening in and she was full on sobbing. "It's going to be ok. See, you hear the helicopter right now. Do you hear it?" William said as I took off her one glove, as the other was taken off and two of her fingers.

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