Chapter 12

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The cousin of my husbands' brought me to the middle of Locatlie, close to Yordan and in the sky I could see the military basis; they had built an extra island next to it for all the airplanes and ships. She landed the helicopter and I climbed out thanking her.

"Follow the path again." She said and I nodded looking at her as I followed the path and I then arrived at the end of the cliff, where a house was situated. I opened the front door and I put my bag down, and saw another bag of mine already here; already packed by my handmaids. I also saw Hugo's boots and I smelled bacon; so, I knew he was cooking for me. I took off my jacket and my shoes. I took my hair out of my shirt and released it a bit as I followed the smell of bacon. I obviously arrived in the kitchen and I saw that Hugo was standing there, his back facing me. This obviously right away had an effect on my body, but anger did spread through my body a tad. I went and sat by the barstool that was here and he turned around, doing a double take. I grabbed out the piece of paper with the questions and I bit my lip looking at him as he looked back at me. He turned down the music and looked at me.

"Hey." He said very carefully and I nodded at that. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Tea, the one." I started pointing up, not knowing what it's called.

"Green tea?" He said with that cute smile of his, he knew that it was my favourite tea whenever I was cold. I nodded at that as he got out a bag and put it in a cup and poured some hot water in it. "I'm making the bacon pasta that you're obsessed with." I nodded at that slowly. "What's that?" he said.

"My nine questions of cleansing." I responded and he looked at that and then at me and nodded slowly.

"Do you want to start asking those questions now or can I finish the dinner?" He asked very carefully and I stared at him for a second, I wanted to know the answers right now.

"How long till dinner is done?"

"Five minutes" he said carefully again, not knowing what to do really.

"That gives me time to take a warm shower. Where is the bathroom?" I asked.

"Up the stairs, second door on the right." He said and I nodded at that as I stood up and I went to the hallway and got the two bags of mine and walked up the stairs. I took a quick warm rinse before putting on cute fuzzy socks. I then put on a simple sweater and a pair of sweatpants and I walked down putting my curly-haired mess in two braids.

"I saw a woman of colour having loads of braids in her hair." I said casually as I sat back down and he looked up at me. "Is that unqueenlike or?" he looked at me for a second.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about?" He asked and I nodded at that as I looked at the tablet and he handed it to me. "Password is" but I knew that the password was the name of his favourite Seglusa book, I looked up a bit cockily like he would and he gave me an amused smile and nodded. I typed in braids. "What are coloured people called in the other world so to speak?" I asked.

"Black." he said and I shook my head. "Weird I know. You guys aren't black, brown at the very best. You're a bit caramel." He joked and I smiled a tad at that.

"Am I half and half? I think I'm half and half but I'm not sure. I always thought I was though but I could be wrong?"

"You are. Your father is black and your mother is immensely white and blonde haired" He said and I looked at him and giggled a bit as I looked through some pictures of braids on coloured people, before I found one that I liked. I showed it to him after he poured the pasta through the grainer thing and shook it out. "O that, you can have that if you want. Why do you want it?"

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