Chapter 11

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I sat on the couch with a cup of tea and I put the blanket around me. William walked out of the room after a while, and I looked up and smiled as I saw him. He had on a pair of sweatpants and a simple sweater, looking like a normal 25-year-old instead of the king of some country. He went and sat down next to me right away and he grabbed the covers. I stared at him amused as he put it around him and grabbed a mug of tea for himself and grabbed the cookies as he looked at me for the first time now. I had been staring at everything he was doing with loads of amusement. My back was against the side of the couch, my feet under his legs now, and he put his legs on the rest of the couch; as the couch was large. He put his arm over the leaning, his fingers grabbing a strand of my hair now.

"What do you want to know?" I asked and he looked into my eyes and smiled a bit.

"What happened that day?" He said and I realised we were going to go there.

"Going there huh?" I said and he nodded as I handed him my cup of tea as h was closer to the table. I then told him what I remembered from that day, my hands over my crossed legs as tears appeared in my eyes every now and then and I looked sideways.

"Then I did something that I learned down there" I said as I bit my lip. "I closed off whatever was happening to me, and I tried to think of happy memories. But the first thing I saw was" I said and I shook my head. "I didn't want to die right there, so I thought I'd fight. They wouldn't shoot me because I heard the alarms go off, so I knew that people were searching for me. I fought them a bit and they beat me up" I said and I looked at him, there were tears in his eyes, and he was patiently listening. William was great at listening, more than great actually. "And then one guy was sick of me fighting, grabbed a knife from his stomach and put it against my stomach and told me that if I didn't shut up and let me be fucked, that he'd kill my baby. I dared him, thinking he wouldn't do that, as I genuinely thought you guys were close, and you were" I said and he nodded as he wiped a tear from my face. "So he stabbed me and I then screamed it out, because well it hurts" he nodded with a bit of sad amusement. "They ducktaped me then and they got into an argument and then just when the first guy was starting to" I said frowning. "I was saved and I don't really remember much of what happened after that"

"You didn't want Hugo or me near you. Was that because of the Heather situation?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said and he nodded at that. "And that's why I called for Trevor when I woke up. Not because I love you any less than him, but because I didn't know if I could trust you. I still don't really know that. I think I do, but I thought I could trust Evan and-" I said and tears rolled down my cheeks. "That's what this week is for, I guess? I don't know. I do trust you, but there is this part of me thinking, o no what if he's lying to protect me or something like that" I said and he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, it feeling great.

"If I ever say something, and you're doubting if it's the truth, I want you to tell me." He said and I nodded at that slowly. "Communication."

"Ok" I replied. "Tell me your perspective." I said as I put my legs over his legs now and he put his arm over my legs, his hand on my upper thigh but I didn't mind. He told me how he had found me and then he told me all the information that was found and about Sally; my eyes widening. Then my murder and I looked down embarrassed and he put his finger on the bottom of my chin and forced me to look at him.

"That is nothing to be embarrassed about." He stated looking into my eyes. "Is that clear?"

"Yeah." I whispered and he nodded at that.

"Good." He said and he gave my hand a kiss and I let out a small breath as I put my arm over the leaning of the couch now and put my head on it.

"I can't trust that." I said, not looking at him though.

"Trust what?"

"That I can't be embarrassed about it. The whole ring of hell team must think I'm the biggest rulebreaker ever. Must hate me." I said and I turned my head to look at him and a huge smile appeared on his face.

"They thought you were crazy." He confirmed and I looked down, and he again put his finger on my chin and forced me to look at him. "The same way that they think Trevor is crazy. You're being called the Queen of Spikes." he said and I stared at him with a raised eyebrow and he nodded. "I'm serious"

"Queen of Spikes. I like that." I said and he giggled and nodded.

"We thought-" I raised my eyebrow "I thought you would. Why don't you like me saying 'we'?"

"I don't think it's smart to talk for Hugo and Trevor a lot anymore. I'd rather hear it from them themselves, even if they say the same thing. I'd rather hear from your mouth that you think I'm beautiful or that you're lucky or any other compliment you guys always say, then hearing it from Trev or Hugo speaking for all the brothers. You each have your own voice." I said and he nodded slowly looking at me. "Does that make sense?"

"It does." he confirmed as he rubbed my knee a bit. "I'm tired. Do you want to go to bed?" he asked and I nodded as we went to the bedroom. "Do you want me to sleep on the couch or?"

"No." I said and he gave me the cutest smile in the whole entire world as he laid in bed. I took off the sweater I was wearing and the sweatpants; only wearing a baggy shirt. I turned off the light and I cuddled up close to him. He put a strand of my hair behind my ear. I could feel he had a certain feeling right now, and I had that feeling too; I wanted him. But I didn't' want this to be a sexfilled week. I wanted to actually get to know his mind.

"I don't want to have sex this week." I said as I looked into his eyes and he looked from one eye to the other. "I just want to talk this week, and maybe a kiss every now and then but yeah."

"That's fine. Can I kiss you though?" He asked and I giggled and nodded and he leaned forward and he pressed his lips onto mine. I had forgotten what his lips felt like, what kind of feeling he gave me. I forgot the softness of his lips, the way his tongue matched with mine. His hand going down my waist and the feeling my body got, was something that made me wild. I put one leg over his waist, his hand going up and down my leg while we slowly made out. I gave him a couple of pecks after we slowed down the kiss. "I love you Julia. I do hope you know that." he whispered and I looked into his eyes.

"I think I do, yes." I replied and he smiled as he gave me a couple of pecks.

For the next week we spend our days and nights talking about him and his life. He told me about all his sisters and how his bond was with them, his first kiss, his first time with a girl, his first failure, but also how he trained to become the king, about his process. I knew almost every little thing about him. In between we watched one of his favourite shows; his guilty pleasure; The Bachelor/The Bachelorette. It was basically the same as our Process, but less serious and more about the drama. We watched a season each day and we laughed loads talking about the stupid choices they made and about what we would do in that situation. I hadn't had this much fun in a very long time. We would make out every now and then, and he respected my wishes of not wanting to do more than making out.

Before we knew it, it was Sunday and we were both leaving, in different helicopters. He would go back to Prangie for work, as he had a meeting week with the Mayors, and I was going to a spot where I would be eye in eye with Hugo.

I was standing by the helicopter, his cousin waiting for me, as he put his hands over my shoulders.

"I'll see you in two weeks?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yes, in two weeks we'll go back to Gotar apparently?" I said and he nodded. "And we'll talk as a foursome then." I said and he nodded looking at me as he gave me some pecks before we hugged one another very tightly and he kissed the top of my head. "I love you baby girl."

"I love you too." I said giving him another peck before I stepped into my helicopter and he in his.

This was a good week, but now I had to reset my mind, with the 9 questions in my head, to confront Hugo. And I had a feeling he would be less calm and understanding about all of my questions.

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