Chapter 19

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The next morning, I put on a pair of black skipants, a red pully and my red jacket and I put my hair into two inverted braids. I walked down the stairs towards the breakfast area and my three husbands were sitting there all eating breakfast and looking fucking adorable. Throughout breakfast Hugo told me the route we would be taking today. Although this all depended on how well I could actually ski; as we didn't know that. We put on our ski shoes and out of habit I knew how to do it. We walked towards the lift, which was a five-minute walk, and Will being the amazing guy he was, carried my skis on the condition I carried the poles. I saw forty guards all with skis on their shoulders.

"How did they learn how to ski?" I asked amused looking at Trevor and Trevor frowned at my question "As there are no slopes in Gotar" I elaborated.

"O." Trevor said with an amused smile. "My fathers started the skiing tradition, they send this team of guys and some younger guys a year before they decided to go, for half a year to learn how to ski." He explained and I nodded. "Then during the classes my fathers and mother and we took, they were there to help us"

"What age did you guys start?" I asked as we got into a lift sort of thing, which was going to bring us up to the mountain.

"We grew up with the snow, but were allowed to ski when we were four years eld." William replied and I nodded as I smiled looking at them.

"You guys are fucking adorable with your ski clothing on, just thought I'd say that." I said casually looking out at the amazing view. "Going to be enjoying seeing it"

"Seeing what?" Hugo said with amusement.

"Your bums" I replied casually. "What is the rules in terms of lifts and security?"

"All the lifts here are for four people. So we pair up, and two security guards. We wait at the top for the security guards. 20 have to go before us, and 20 after us" Trevor stated. "With skiing as well."

"But what if I'm so fast that I beat them?" I said with a huge smile and Trevor laughed very loudly at that and I giggled giving his shoulder a kiss.

"Then slow down babe" he said and I laughed and nodded as we arrived at the top. William put my ski's down on the snow for me and I handed Hugo and all the guards their poles, as I was carrying most of them. I then clicked into my ski's.

"First step to skiing complete" Trevor said and I laughed and nodded as I then adjusted my shoe's a bit and waited until everyone had their stuff on. I saw five guards with snowboards. "How did they learn it?"

"I expressed my wanting to learn snowboarding along with three of my sisters. We took our classes together" he said casually "With five security men"

"Where are they going?" I asked pointing to twenty other security men; we had brought sixty.

"Classes. They're new." Trevor said and I giggled and nodded. "We're going to do this small blue slope to the next lift. Security men have arrived."

"How do you know?" I said amused looking around, seeing that there were less security men here.

"Earpiece love" He said and I giggled as I then went first and I made short turns and went fast and my heart was pounding like crazy, a feeling came inside me, that cold rush that I hated. I stopped at the lifts and I felt a bit dizzy. "Babe? You ok?" Trevor said as he was the first one down and I was holding the arm of a female guard.

"Cold chill" I said looking at Trevor and Trevor nodded looking at me.

"Any memories that-"

"I've been here before." I said looking at Trevor now and Hugo and Will now joined. "I've been here before." I repeated.

Locatlie: The Revelation. (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now