facing facts

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I wake up to see Pietro next to me. I thought i locked my room. I forgot this idiot had a key. I get up and go shower. I change into black jeans and a white bralette shirt. I put on my silver cross necklace. When i walk out i see Pietro waiting for me.

"why are you here?" he asks

"i live here duh" i respond

"but you just left yesterday in the morning and i came back from training to see you here sleeping " he responds

"i missed you to much" i say

"sure you did i won't force you to tell me this time but you know im here for you" he tells me

"yeah i know and thats why i love you now wheres my kiss pendejo" i say {pendejo is stupid in spanish ;) }

He walks over to me to kiss me. He deepens the kiss and we end up on the bed. Until i push him off and get up.

"I have to go but we'll finish this later" i say and point between us

"where are you going?" he asks

"i have to do research on a new recruit" i say

"good luck" he says

"don't need it" i say "jacket please"

"your taking your bike?" he says throwing me my leather jacket

"yeah i haven't used it in a while" i say putting the jacket on

I walk out of the room and head towards the garage. I see Steve there.

"hey i thought you were gonna be on asgard" he says

"something happened" i say

"you okay?" he says

"hes alive" i say

"who's alive?" he asks

"Loki he faked his death" i say

"oh im sorry kid how are doing" he says

"hes dead to me now" i say

"come here kid" he says pulling me into a hug "i can't possibly guess what your feeling but i know you'll get through it"

"thanks dad" i say

"i thought Tony was your dad" he says

"in my head you two are husbands so you're both my dads" i say walking away

"you have a very vivid imagination" he says

"yes i do bye dad" i say getting on the bike

I turn it on and begin driving. Well who would've thought id be back in Queens. Its so weird being back here. I pass by my old street and see the red car my parents own. "the world's greatest parents" The irony in that sticker i made in kinder. I go to a park i use to love going to.I go and sit on a bench.


"you can throw a kick" my dad told me

"i am the worlds greatest soccer player" i say

"yes you are and you're the worlds greatest daughter" he says

"another game?" i say

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