life is complicated

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I head back to my room and shower another day that sucked maybe a little less than most. I change into a pair of sweats and a t shirt. I go walk to the kitchen area and start making some popcorn.

"boo" some says and i turn to see Wanda

That's weird she never does that.

"hey wanda" i say

"hows your day been" shes asks

"trained a new recruit same old same old how are things with vision" i ask

"um vision ahh yes i think i like him but i never felt this way before. how do you know the difference between love and like someone?" she asks

"like is just simply liking to be around that person, someone you can live without and someone who you would be okay with just being friends but like can become love. While Love can't go back to being like because it's more of a stronger thing. it's when you don't want to be without them, you can't get them out of your head and heart, you notice everything little thing about them, you feel very happy with them, you feel your life complete with them, and you see a future with them. Its the way you feel when you see them. The way you smile when you see them and that look in your eyes. When you love someone you'll know trust me." i say

"who are you talking about when you talk about what love is?"  she asks

"Who else Pietro even though some days i would like to throw him out of a window i do love him i didn't think i'd ever love someone as much as i love Loki but your brother proved me wrong" i say

"and do you miss Loki?" she asks

"when he was dead yes i came home because turns out he had faked his death." i say

"and how do you feel about that?" she asks

"i feel hurt and happy at the same time. im happy he's alive but im hurt that he faked his death just to be king. He choose a stupid title over me." i say and i feel a little tear slip

Wanda pulls me into a hug. Shes kisses the top of my head

"hey don't cry im here for you" she says wiping my tear away with her thumb

I feel more tears come down. Thats how Loki used to comfort me. We hear someone clear their throat.

"hey" i say

"i was waiting for you in the room but you weren't coming so i thought i'd come find you are you okay" pietro ask pulling me into a hug

"yeah i'll tell you right now lets go i kinda burnt the popcorn"i say giving him a quick peck

"its okay i make some more" he says

"see you later wanda" i say walking to my room.

As im walking to my room i see Wanda pass me by.

"weren't you just in the kitchen?" i ask

"no i haven't left my room me and vision are having a little sitcom marathon i just came out to grab some more blankets " she says

Who else could that have been. Loki fuck. I left Pietro with Loki. I run back to the kitchen to only see Pietro there cooking popcorn.

"wheres wanda?" i ask

"she went outside why?" he says

I ran outside.


Suddenly he appears. He changes from Wanda to himself.

"hello love looking for me" he says

"i thought i made myself clear don't come near me ever again" i say

" i need to explain please" he says

"i don't want to hear it Loki. I cried for months blaming myself because you died. I went to visit your grave and left you flowers. I felt like i lost a piece of my heart.I hate you for making me fall in love with you and then breaking my heart." i say as i fell the tears falling down

He tries to come near me but is knocked down by Pietro. Loki looks at him with anger in his eyes. Pietro looks the same way.

"Loki just go or i'll make you go" i say

"Love please" loki begins saying

"don't" i say and i open a portal create a strong wind and push Loki through the portal

"come on lets go inside" pietro tells me

" i think i'll stay out here for a bit" i say

He gives me hug and a kiss on the cheek then goes back inside. I walk towards where the trees are. I find the path im looking for. At the end of the path is a garden with very colorful flowers. I come her most times to just get away from everything once in a while.

"its a gorgeous garden isn't it" i ask

"yes did you grow them?" pietro asks

"yeah i needed a space to myself and i liked gardening with my mom" i ask

"well im sorry i came to your space" he says

"its fine you know your the only person who's been here no one else comes here" i say

I sit on the grass and he sits next to me. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"life is complicated" i say

"yes but we'll get through it together" he says kissing my head

We sit there in silence for a while until i feel myself getting sleepy. I open my eyes to see a garden. The garden i would talk to Loki in.

"now i can explain" i hear his voice

"i told you i didn't want to hear it" i say

"ahh you did but see this time you can only leave when i let you" he says

" you and i both know my powers overpower yours" i say

"not this time love now you have to listen" he says

"do i now" i say throwing a knife at him

"ohh you've forgotten who taught you how to use these now didn't you" he says

"made you look" i said as i make a dirt storm to block him off for a while

Lets see the castle is this way where to go. I head into the castle and up to where the rooms are. I enter the first one. This is his room. I see a rose on the desk. I look around and see he has the photo of us at my birthday party.

"i do care about you you know love" he says

"thats hard to believe why do you have that rose" i ask

"it was for your birthday i just couldn't get it to you" he says

"sure and what's your excuse for faking your death" i say

"i'll admit i wanted to be king but i never should've gotten it the way i did" he says

"why is being king so important to you" i ask

"because" he says

"because what Loki" i say raising my voice

"because i wanted to prove my father wrong" he says

"what" i say

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