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"that was awesome i can't wait to tell Mr.Stark" peter said

"you can't tell Tony about this unless you want to get me in trouble he'd freak out" i say 

"right my lips are sealed" he says locking his lips

I walk around and find a quiet place to sit. This day has been very chaotic.

"is this spot taken" loki asks

I shake my head no and pat the seat next to me.

"it's weird being here next to you" i say

"because im alive or because I'm still in love with you" he asks

"alive but mainly because you fucked with my feeling" i say

"do you love him"he asks

"yes i do but i also love you" i say

"how can you still love me" he says

"Loki you were my first love i will always love you" i say and i see a smile appear "but i love Pietro to"  his smile turns into a tense look

"so what now" he asks

"i have no idea" i say

"i'll be here for you no matter what" he says holding my hand

I look down at our hands.

"i know" i say

"if you don't pick me we could still be friends." he says

"friends?" i say

"We have arrived" thor says

I get up letting go of Lokis hand. I see Pietro coming towards me.

"i was worried something happened to you" he says

"you know i couldn't die without going out with a bang" i say

"where have you been and who let you take the kid with you" starks asks sounding mad

"um well its just sorta happened plus i brought him in one piece so you can't get mad at me" i say

Peter gets off the ship and goes to see Stark. They both begin walking away.

"we need to talk" i say

"should i be scared?" Pietro asks

"Lokis on the ship and he told me he stills loves me" i say

"so you choose him" pietro says

"no i don't know im fucking confused i need some time to think but if your not willing to wait i understand" i say

"for you" he says grabbing my hands "i'd wait a million years"

I smile at him. Such a romantic

"can you help the agaurdians imma take a walk" i say

"on it" he says

I begin walking to the woods not to my special garden but just somewhere in the woods. I have two great guys for me. Ones a good guy. The other is a good guy occasionally. They both make me happy. I could see a life with both of them.

I feel like Elena FUCK.

I hear someone coming. I turn and see Nat.

"hey" she says

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