princes and guns

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"so do i get to know who it is yet" steve asks as we arrive back at the compound

"do you really want to know" i say

"yes" he answers

"do you rrrealllyy wanna know" i say

"yes!" steve says

"the idiot im in love with and want to be with is....." i say

"just fucking tell me the suspense is killing me" steve says

"you cussed" i say laughing

"Valentina" he says

"fine its" i say and whisper it to him

"i was rooting for him" steve says

"thats a shocker thanks for the talk dad" i say

"your welcome kid" he says

I walk back to my room. I hear a knock on the door. Who the hell is awake at 1am.

"come in" i say

"hey" wanda says

"whats up" i say

"i wanted to talk to you about pietro" wanda says

"what about him?" i say

"he told me what happened and i wanted to ask you not to hurt him" wanda says

"your a good sister" i say

"how?" she says

"your must be worried about him alot for you to come over at 1 in the morning" i say

"hes my brother i'll always try to protect him" she says

"i wont pinky promise" i say holding
out my pinky

We connect our pinkies and kiss the thumbs.Then press them together.

"night" she says

I lay down and i feel sleep wash over me. What if i make the wrong decision. is my last thought. My alarm is ringing and i wake up to get ready. I shower and put on a t shirt and sweats.

"get packed we're going undercover" nat says rushing into my room

"take wanda" i say

"can't shes on assignment with vision cmon Val" nat says

"whats the assignment" i ask

"word on the street is that there planning to assassinate the soon to be king today at the ball we're making sure it doesn't happen" she says

"fine lets go" i say "what am i wearing and whos going"

"its just you me and steve we're heading to the UK" she says "and you're going to be in a dress"

"lets go" i say

"you'll get dressed on the plane" nat says

We head onto the plane and once i get on Nat hands me a green satin dress with a slit on my right leg. And my knifes to attach to my left leg

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